Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Doctor Visit

Happy Saint Patty's Day Cupcake! 

I subconsciously wore green today..thank goodness because I don't want to get pinched! I completely forgot that today was S.P's day because my mind has been on other things..

Yesterday I went for our routine doctor's checkup and was SO happy to hear your strong heartbeat! The Doctor said it was "beautiful", and I couldn't agree more! Hearing you brings so much joy to my heart! :) 

                                 Check out your big ol' home! :) 

The Doctor diagnosed me with carpal tunnel (womp womp). I had a feeling she would since my hands keep falling asleep..my ring and middle finger on my right hand have been asleep for the last week and a half! It's the pits! She instructed me to wear a wrist brace and said that if it gets worse I will have to have a surgery before you come! She said because it dangerous if my hand is numb and I drop things, especially while trying to take care of you! Thank God it is not that bad..fingers crossed and prayers said that it doesn't get worse! 

The Doctor also checked the swelling in my legs, ankles and feet. She maneuvered my ankles around to see if I was feeling pain in the back of my legs, and of course I was so she ordered me to have an ultrasound to make sure that I didn't have any blood clots in my legs. 

So today I had an ultrasound on my legs (mainly my right one since it is more swollen than my left..they only checked one main artery in my left). 

               Waiting for my ultrasound..My poor swollen tootsies..

I am HAPPY to report that your Mommy is blood clot free!!! The Doctor told me to keep an eye on my swelling and if it or the pain gets worse to call her right away. So I will try and elevate and stay off my feet as much as possible until you arrive!..Definitely hard for me to do! 

You are beyond worth it all! 

I love you, 


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