Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Doctor Checkup

Hi my Cupcake love, 

Yesterday was a great day because I got to hear your heartbeat, and as usual it was music to my ears! 

The Doctor said that everything is progressing good and that you are measuring right on track! :) She started talking with me about the delivery which made me a lil' anxious! Everyday when I talk to you I ask you to be easy on Mommy during the delivery. :) I wonder if you will listen..

I talked to her about the tons of Braxton Hicks contractions that I have been having lately and she basically told me what she had previously; take it easy, rest a lot, stay hydrated, and go to the hospital (which I almost did last week) if I feel like something isn't right. I asked her if the contractions are any indication that you will arrive early, and she said no. I am so happy because I want you to cook as long as possible so you can be the healthiest lil' Cupcake when you enter the world. 

                                      Waiting for the Doc..

The bigger you get the better we can feel you moving around in my belly. Last night you were on a roll and your Daddy was enjoying every minute of it! He said it was the best he has ever felt you. We can literally feel your little feet!..It is SO cool! Your Daddy kept saying "whoa, whoa" every time you moved, and of course I couldn't help laughing which shook my jolly belly. He kept telling me to stop laughing which only made me laugh more! I don't know why it always cracks me up, but it does, and I love it.  

He was belly hogging you last night. I guess it was fair since I get to feel you all day long. :) Best part of my day! 

I love you so much my little mover and shaker!


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