Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Counting Sheep Doesn't Work

Good Morning Cupcake, 

You are officially less than 2 months away! 60 days to be exact, or 8 weeks and 4 days (but who's counting)!! We are getting so excited..and I am getting a lil' nervous..not about anything other than the delivery. :) I hope you listen to my daily pleads for an easy delivery! Everyone tells me not to think about it, but how can you not?! I'm a Type A stress-er so it is nearly impossible to follow their advice! 

In other news, we have almost finished your nursery! We only have a couple little things to do/get until it is done! It looks SO cute! :) When your Daddy and I were putting it together I started crying (who me?) because I am so excited for you to come into this world! Seeing it all put together, with all your little clothes hanging in your closet, made it feel so real. I got so excited and just burst into tears! I can't wait to show you! :) 

Everything else has been progressing smoothly. We have been busy working/decorating the house, and getting ready for you. :) I still can't believe how soon you will be here! Eek! :) 

The bigger you get the more uncomfortable I get. I have been having a terrible time sleeping. Between waking up all night to potty, my hands keep falling asleep which keeps me up as well. I have gotten really swollen lately, my knees hurt, my feet hurt, and I have been exhausted.  Don't worry, you are worth it all!! :) 

I was so jealous of the sleep your Daddy and doggy were getting the other day that I took this..

                                       Ya, must be nice! ;)

I know once you are here that my sleep deprivation will continue..but I am excited because at least I will have you to keep me company! I know your Daddy will join us in our middle of the night bonding, so it will be a family affair! :) Enjoy your sleep while it lasts B! ;) 

I think about you every second of every day, and I fall more in love with you with each minute that passes! 

I love you more than you will ever know!


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