Monday, March 2, 2015

Weekend Recap

Hi Cupcake, 

This weekend, as most recently, was spent doing stuff around the house (which I love). It is so fun being able to make each room our own..I love owning a house! :) I have been having SO much fun picking out furniture/finishes for each room..we still have a long way to go but I am enjoying every minute of it. :) 

We got quite a bit of treasures on our shopping excursion on Saturday, including some cute stuff for your room! :) We stopped for some ice cream on our way home; it was your womb-day after all! ;) 

                                            Nothing beats Thrifty ice cream! 

Mommy got her favorite flavors (as usual): Rocky Road and Pistachio Nut, and your Daddy switched his up and got Mint and Chip and Strawberry Cheesecake (rebel). ;) I am a creature of habit and usually get the same thing at every restaurant etc. we go! I'm not big on change! 

Your Daddy spent the rest of the day working on baseboards while I did little things around the house like laundry and dishes. Call me crazy but I don't find these two tasks to be a chore. 

I was so excited to finally get around to changing the hardware in the guest bathroom on Sunday! It's all about the little details I tell ya'! :) They were in dire need of an update!..They thanked us too! 

                                     Before....I know, bad right?!

                  After! :) Your Daddy still needs to change the sink stop

            Your Daddy working hard..while we goofed off in the mirror :) 







What a difference right?! The little things make your Mommy one happy girl! It rained pretty good over the weekend (which I loved) so after working around the house we cozied up with warm food, blankets, and watched movies. :)
Perfect way to end our days! 

I have been on a pizza kick lately, Little Caesar's mainly! There is just something about their Italian Cheese Bread that really gets me going! :) Ha ha. I could literally eat it every day. So of course it was on our weekend menu. 

It was really cute, last week when your Daddy was coming home from work he asked me what I wanted for dinner (he always lets us pick :)) so he could pick it up. I told him that I was torn between Little Caesars and Taco Bell (go figure) and told him to surprise me since I couldn't pick between the two. So what did your adorable Daddy come home with you ask..both LOL! :) He makes me happy! I am one lucky girl! :) 

It is hailing outside right now!..Closest thing we get to snow here. Wish I was home in jammies and blankets cozied up with my boys! 

I love you more than all the raindrops in the sky! 


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