Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Rain Come Out and Play!

Hi Cupcake, 

I have been enjoying the rainy weather these past couple of days! Lord knows we need it here in Southern Cali! It hasn't hurt our lawn, that just got fertilized by your Daddy over the weekend, either! :) The weather has been so weird lately; a week ago it was almost 90 degrees! We don't get many seasons here in So Cal..it's usually sunny all year round so having a little rain is definitely a welcome change! 

Your doggy lucked out and got a walk in before the rain started on Sunday. 

Of course I was bundled while your Daddy rocked his shorts (story of our life). I wonder if you will always be cold like me, or always hot like your Daddy? Although, being pregnant has definitely made me have my "hot" moments! 

We have cool walking trails that lead to 2 great parks right behind our neighborhood, so we took advantage and hit the pavement. We are excited to take you to the parks when you are here! :) 

After we got home it started pouring! So we stayed indoors the rest of the day, in our sweats of course! :) Your Daddy worked hard at doing stuff around the house, mainly tackling the baseboards, while I watched (no not the Oscars..that was later). ;)

         Your handsome Daddy installing the baseboards in your room 

He has finished installing almost all of the baseboards on the 1st floor, and made some good progress on the 2nd. After they are installed he has to tape and paint them (for the 2nd time) before they are finished. He is planning on tackling that this next weekend. I can't wait until your room is done so we can finish decorating and put everything in its rightful place (all of your furniture is currently in the middle of your room). Fingers crossed! 

For some reason I am not feeling too good today. Not from my lingering cold, more nauseous. Maybe becuase you are so big and bouncing around in my belly? Last night I woke up in the middle of the night with a sharp pain in my ribs. It almost felt like your foot was jammed in them or something! After I pushed down on them the pain seemed to go away and I was able to go back to sleep (for 10 minutes anyway until I got visited by the potty fairy..she likes to visit me a lot throughout the night..lucky me). :) You are worth it all! 

I love you so much my growing boy! 


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