Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Bon Appetit

Good Morning my darling Cupcake, 

Your Mommy has been feeling like poo these last few days! I have been sicker than a dawg and it has been the pits! I talked to our Doctor, and read countless blogs about being sick while preggo, and they all said the same thing: you are perfectly fine! :) In fact, you have all my immunity which makes me more susceptible to getting sick (and makes my symptoms worse than they normally would be), but I am happy to take all the symptoms in the world as long as it means you are safe and comfy in my tum!

I woke up on Friday with a sore throat. It wasn't super bad so I didn't read too much into it. Your Papa and Gaga came over Friday night and hung with me and your Daddy, which was a ton as fun. As usual when we are all together, we laughed a ton, which I don't think helped my throat much because I woke up on Saturday feeling a lil' worse. But...that didn't stop me from shopping. :) 

Your Daddy and I met the gang at the Orange County Marketplace.. 

                              Boogie's selfie stick is the bomb.com

What you can't see in this picture is all of our ice cream. We all got frozen banana's except for your Daddy (he says they have no flavor), and boy were they good! I don't think it helped my sickness much though! Sugar + Sicky = no bueno! It wasn't until I read this online that I found out all the reasons why you shouldn't eat sugar when you're sick (Mommy fail)! 

We didn't come home with much..I got two new hats to add to my collection though! :) I have a hat obsession as you will soon find out. ;) 

                       Your Daddy wanted to come home with this

My sickness hit me hard on Saturday night! I was literally crying because I felt so bad! Stuffy nose, sore throat, earache, chest congestion etc. Thank goodness I had the best (and cutest) nurse (your Daddy) to take care of me. :)  He was so sweet to me (as always) and made sure I was as comfortable as could be, and made me lots of soup . I love him so much!

                This is what my meals consisted of over the weekend..

I stayed in bed/couch all day Sunday and yesterday. I am still feeling pretty poopy today, but a little better! I hope your poor Daddy doesn't get it because he started to get a little stuffy last night. If he does I will be happy to put my nurse hat on! 

I am just SO thankful that you are staying healthy through all of this! Praying for a speedy recovery! Off to eat lunch..on the menu..soup! 

I love you!!!!



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