Thursday, February 5, 2015

Where's The Carbonation?

Hello there my precious Cupcake, 

Yesterday I had to get a routine glucose screening test done. It was not the funnest thing to have to do, but necessary to check my glucose (sugar) level to rule out gestational diabetes. I had to fast (boo!) and sit my bootay in the Doctor's office for three (yes, three) hours! This is because they had to draw my blood three (yes, three) times! 

They took my blood (ouch) then had me drink this sugary drink that tasted like a flat Sprite. The drink wasn't as bad as other moms have told me, but they could have given a sista some carbonation! It was a lil' sugary for me though, and as you will learn I am not the biggest soda fan, so it was not fun to drink it all in 5 minutes. But being the champ that I am (insert horn tooting here) I got the job done. :) 

After guzzling it down I had to wait one hour in the waiting room until they stuck me again. They wouldn't let me leave the office in case I got dizzy or nauseous (womp womp). Good thing I brought my current book with me (Dark Places by Gillian Flynn, in case you wanted to know) :). So, long story short, I waited the hour, had my blood drawn again (ouch), then waited another hour (in the waiting room) and had my blood drawn again (ouch). 

                                 Going crazy in the waiting room

                                         My battle wounds..

I decided to get poked in my right arm twice (since it's my tuff arm) :) and once in my left. They were kind enough to not stick the needle in the same hole..gee thanks Doc! ;) 

Praying for good results! On another note, you are getting SO big! Sometimes you kick me right by my ribs and down by my bladder at the same time! You are also getting pretty strong, or working on your soccer skills, because your kicks are getting harder and harder! Your Daddy said he felt you kick the hardest he ever has last night. :) For some reason, every time you kick him it makes me laugh, which shakes my "jolly Santa belly", which makes your Daddy tell me to stop laughing so he can feel you, which makes me laugh even's a daily cycle. :) 

You bring us so much joy and we can't wait until you are here so we can spoil you with love (and kisses)! 93 days to go!!!!!!!!!



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