Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Fun In The Sun

Hi Cupcake, 

I hope your not getting annoyed or jostled around too much with all the coughing I've been doing lately! I can't seem to kick this nasty little bug! Every day gets a little better so I'm happy that progress is being made at least. With all the house stuff, deliveries, work etc. it has been hard laying low to just rest. The weekend was no exception as we managed to pack each day to the max..with all fun stuff though. :) 

On Saturday we met your Granddad for brunch at Side Street Cafe (yum) by the beach. He used to take me and your Auntie there all the time when we were kids. Your Granddad lived right down the street and I remember riding bikes to the restaurant (me on his handlebars..I wasn't a good bike rider even back then..some things never change ha ha). I hadn't eaten there in years so it was a fun walk down memory lane! The food was so good that I forgot to take a pic (Mommy fail!). 

After, we headed to your Grandma and Grandpa Dean's campsite in Huntington for a BBQ. Your Aunt and Cousin's joined in on the fun too! Before we grubbed we walked to the pier to watch a surfing contest. 

                        Your Cousin Quinn was playing peek-a-boo lol 

      It was such a beautiful day in winter! Welcome to Cali!

We ate a yummy steak dinner then headed home for some R&R. We rented Fury and snuggled the night away in our jammies. :) It was a great ending to a great day! 

Your due date is officially 80 days away!!!!!!!! Eek! I can hardly contain my excitement! Hope they go FAST! 

I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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