Thursday, February 12, 2015

Bring On The Healing

Hi Cupcake, 

Mommy still isn't feeling well (womp womp), a little better each day so that is good news! In other good news, Mommy and Daddy got some of your furniture yesterday! Well, bought it anyway. We don't get it until Monday. We also got bought a new coffee table (which I am in love with) for the family room, which won't get delivered for a week and a half..worth the wait though! :) 

We got bought both of your dressers yesterday and I am in love with them too! We hunted countless baby stores looking for furniture for you and ended up getting you adult furniture pieces instead because everything we found was kind of cheap looking for kids. Plus since their quality is so good they will last you a long time! Winning! 

We are going to get your crib as soon as we get the dressers in hand so that we can match them all perfectly. :) Once we get the crib then we can start decorating with all the finishes! Excited!! :) 


In other totally unrelated news, Mommy has a new craving which I am hoping you are a enjoying as well...crushed ice! I know, random right?! I recently discovered that our new fridge makes thee best crushed ice!! It is like the soft kind you get at Donut Shops (anyone?). Anyway, since my discovery I can't wait to get home to it everyday. Ha ha. I even bring a cup with me to work every morning. I am a nut, I know.  

                                          Getting my fix!  

What can I say?..I scream for ice cream! :) At least it's healthier than all the other crud I've been craving...and it won't add extra lbs to my already plumpy preggo frame (bonus)! :) I think Banxi is trying to ward off unnecessary lbs too..

                     Weighing himself..his face looks quite displeased!

I also engaged in other retail healing (it helps me when I'm sick ;)) yesterday..I got you three new outfits that are SO cute! I cannot wait to put you in them! Everyday I get more excited than the last because I know you are one day closer to being here! 86 days to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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