Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Cupcake the Comedian

Hi my favorite baby boy, 

Hearing your adorable lil' heartbeat made my day yesterday! The Doctor said that everything is going great so far and I couldn't be happier! She also told me that she will not let you stay in my belly for more than one week after your due date, so I know that you will be here May 16th at the latest! Eek! :) :) While we were listening to your heartbeat you kicked me pretty hard and it made a big thud noise..it was so funny. I think it was your way of saying hello to your Mommy. :) 

While I was at work, anxiously waiting to hear your sweet self, your Grandpa Perry surprised me with a beautiful Orchid! It was such a sweet surprise (you know I love surprises) :) and it was great to visit with him too!

Thanks for bringing love to my office Grandpa Perry! I took a pic with him but you couldn't see the pretty flower so I had you stand in instead. 

Last night you pulled a funny on your Daddy! We I was laying on the couch after dinner,and your Daddy was talking to you through my tummy( he does this nightly, which is really cute) for a long time. You weren't responding to him at all (by moving, which you usually do) and he said, "if I'm bugging you kick me",and you immediately kicked. We were laughing so hard! It was so hilarious! You were trying to sleep,and boy did you get your point across! Ha ha! You crack Mommy up! I guess my belly bouncing around from laughing didn't help your cause either. Sorry Cupcake. 

I love you my lil' wise guy! You make me so happy! :) 


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