Thursday, February 19, 2015

Sweet Dreams

Happy day before Friday Cupcake (yes, I celebrate those too)! 

This week has gone especially fast because we had a three day weekend (love those)! Monday was President's Day, which equaled no work for your Mommy and Daddy (I always knew I liked something about politics) ;). 

Not only did we get to sleep in and spend the whole day together, we also got to hear your perfect lil' heartbeat at the Doctor's! It was so nice to have your Daddy with me since he usually has to work. He always takes off when we have a sonogram or anything big, but he isn't able to for all my checkups (since I go once every two weeks..soon to be once a week!). He was so happy to hear you in person instead of through a video recording (he makes sure I always record you)! 

As always, hearing you brings so much happiness to our hearts! We would listen to you all day if we could! The Doctor said you are progressing just perfectly! :) I can't believe you are only 79 days away from being in my arms!!!!!!! :) 


You are now settling into your birthing position! So, your head is facing downward. So I guess all the movement I have been feeling towards my ribs is your little legs kicking away! Have I mentioned how much I LOVE feeling you? :) 

You now weigh about 2.5 pounds and you are almost 16 inches long! You we are getting so big! 16 inches looks so long on a must be getting quite crowded in my tum! You can now, cough, blink, suck, hiccup, and breath! You can even dream now! I would love to know what your sweet little baby dreams are all about! I hope you dream about me as much as I dream about you! 

I am so proud of all the milestones you have accomplished! Keep up the great work my baby boy!  

I love you with all of me! 


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