Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Valentines Day Recap

Hi my darling baby boy, 

We had a GREAT Valentines day! It was filled with lots of love...and shopping! :) 

The day before, I picked up a bunch of goodies to make your Daddy a surprise V-day breakfast. I even bought heart shaped cookie cutters to make his french toast extra special. I always wake up at least an hour before your Daddy on the weekends so I knew I could pull my surprise off without a hitch. Little did I know that your Daddy had the same surprise in mind! We are definitley meant to be! Call us two peas in a pod. :) 

Your Daddy woke up extra early to make me the exact same breakfast I was planning on making him!..minus the heart shaped french toast. :) Saying it was bomb is an understatement! I'm sure mine wouldn't have been as tasty (he is the cook in the family). Needless to say, my taste buds were dancing right along with you! :) 

                                                             Lucky us!

His card was so sweet..I bawled like a little baby! :) After breakfast we met Gaga, Papa, and your Auntie Booga for some V'day shoppin'. :) I am excited to report that we finally, after searching every furniture store in a 60 mile radius, got our dining room table (swoon..triple time), end table, and sofa table! I am SO in love with everything and can't wait until it all gets delivered on Saturday!! 

                   Shop till you drop..on a chase lounge for a foot break 

After our long (and fun) day of shopping, your Daddy and I headed home to cuddle on the couch, watch a movie, and eat a yummy dinner. Your Daddy said he would make me anything I wanted and guess what I chose?...In n Out! :) 

                             Animal style fries?..yes please!

It was the perfect way to end a perfect day! I am so lucky to have the best husband in the world, and you the best daddy! I can't wait until you are here next Valentines day so we can spoil you with more than yummy food! ;) I am going to smother you with kisses..be prepared! :)  

We both love you SO much!! 


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