Friday, February 20, 2015

28 Weeks Down..12 To Go!

HAPPY 28 WEEKS IN MY BELLY CUPCAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are now the size of an eggplant! You sure are growing fast! I can't believe that tomorrow is already your 29 week womb day! Eek! As always, we are counting down the days! :) 

                                28 Weeks and 5 Days here! 

Cravings: Taco Bell, Waffles, Sweets 
Things I miss the most: Sleeping on my tummy, being able to bend over with                                    ease, being able to put on shoes/socks without 
                                   sitting down, clear skin, jeans (why is this section                                        always so long? ha ha)
Symptoms: Swollen feet, sore feet, zits, back pain (sometimes), emotional,
                 shortness of breath
Moody: Not really (B?) 
Ring On or Off: On :) 
Jeans Still Fit: Heck no! It's all about the yoga pants!
Coolest Thing: Feeling you roll in my tum (so neat!), feeling you kick and 
                      punch, talking to you and knowing you can hear me, knowing                         I get to see you in 78 days!!!! 

                           You have my heart my sweet baby boy! 

                  We are SO proud to be your Mommy and Daddy!  

WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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