Monday, February 2, 2015

Super Bowl

Good Morning Cupcake, 

We had a pretty productive weekend..we finally got our garage cleaned out (amen), picked out your furniture (swoon), and watched Super Bowl 49. We decided to skip the parties this year and watch the big game from the comfort of our own home. :) It was so nice to stay in jammies and snuggle with my boys on the couch! I wouldn't have wanted it any other way!
Love our family! 

I was rooting for the Patriots and your Daddy was rooting for the Seahawks (even though neither are our team). We decided to put a wager on it to make it interesting,.. and Mommy won! Yippie! Oh how I'm looking forward to my 5 minute back and 5 minute foot massage I have coming! :) I think I will collect tonight B so rest those fingers! ;) 

Your Daddy bbq'd some b.o.m.b carne asada tacos after the taste buds were dancing! I hope yours were too! 

                Paper cup to match the paper plate..keepin' it classy ;)

Even though your Daddy lost our bet (mwahaha) he was still jumping for joy because he won his Super Bowl pool at work. We are officially $325 richer!! :) What a great way to end a great weekend! 

Usually I dread Monday's but today I am VERY excited because I get to hear your perfect lil' heartbeat at the Doctor's! I'll take Monday everyday if it means I get to hear you! 3:00 can't come fast enough! 

I love you SO much! 


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