Thursday, January 29, 2015

Counting Down The Days!

100 days until you are here Cupcake!!!!!!! 3 months and 10 days!!! Yippie! We. Can. Not. Wait! 

Mommy has been busy trying to pick your bedding and furniture! I never thought that it would be such a trying task..there are so many cute girl bedding options, but a lot of the boy stuff looks super cheesy. But I think I have narrowed it down and am hoping to pick it up this weekend (if I can drag your Daddy down to Santa Monica..he will do anything for you so fingers crossed) :)

You are not the only one who is getting new furniture. :) Your Daddy and I have been spending hours looking and buying stuff to fill up our new house. This has been a trying task in itself...but super fun! :) We got our new couches for the living room yesterday! :) 

                                 Daddy getting them all ready

We could barely get them unwrapped before your doggy was testing them out!  

                Of course your Mommy had to test them out too.. ;) 

Cute, check. Comfy, check. Everything is slowly starting to come together. I am hoping to get our dining room table this weekend as well (maybe on our way to Santa Monica..B?) 

I love you so much! I hope these next 100 days go FAST! 


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