Friday, January 23, 2015

24 Weeks Down..16 To Go!

HAPPY 24 WEEKS IN MY BELLY CUPCAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are now the size of a cantaloupe, and Mommy's belly is the size of a watermelon (not kidding)! :) You (and I ) are getting SO big! I was looking at our 20 weeks photos and cannot believe how big you have grown in one month! That just means we are getting so much closer to your birthday! Eek! Tomorrow is your 25 week womb-day..we will definitely be celebrating! :)   

The bigger you get, the better I can feel you moving around in my tum! Which is WAY cool! I teared up at work a couple of days ago because I could feel your little elbow(?) or hand (?) or foot (?) SO well. If I wasn't at work I would have had a full blown joy-cry sesh! :) 

24 Weeks and 5 Days here! 

Whoa Mama! :) 

Cravings: Taco Bell (totally weird for me! I never liked it, I have always been                a loyal Del Taco'er) and sweets
Things I miss the most: Hot baths (go figure), not having to pee 20 times                   while trying to sleep, sleeping on my tummy, being able to bend over             with ease, and clear skin (is that it? LOL).  
Symptoms: Braxton Hicks contractions, zits, big everything, cravings
Moody: Really not too bad this month (I think?) ;)
Ring On or Off: On :) 
Jeans Still Fit: No..Oh how I miss them! 
Coolest Thing: Feeling you move and knowing that you are coming SOON!

                              You have my heart my growing boy! 

                                   You make us SO happy! 

WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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