Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Goodbye Apartment, Hellooo House (With a Hospital Stop Along the Way)

Good Morning my darling Cupcake, 

In the midst of moving on Friday, you gave your Daddy and I quite a scare! I was getting a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions and I wasn't feeling you move around  as much as usual. Of course your Daddy and I were scared out of our minds so we called our Doctor. She said that I needed to drink something cold and lay down for an hour and if the symptoms continued she advised us to go to the hospital to be checked out. 

So I did as I was told, drank cold water, and plopped myself on the couch. Your Daddy came home from work and anxiously waited with me. We only waited a half an hour before we headed to the hospital. The entire way there your Daddy and I were both crying. 

I was checked into the Triage department where a couple of tests were run on you and I. Your Daddy and I couldn't have been happier to hear the Doctor tell us that you were just fine! She said that your heart beat was very strong and that your were moving around quite a bit! Praise Jesus!! It was the BEST feeling to feel you moving around in my belly while I was laying on that hospital bed! And your heartbeat was music to our ears! :) 

The Doctor said that you were probably just resting, and that the time of day that you are active will vary. She said that I really needed to relax and keep an eye on my contractions however. She said that I shouldn't be packing or moving anything anymore, unless it was super light. She said that as soon as I feel any contractions I need to stop what I am doing and just relax. Believe me when I say that your Daddy has made sure that I am following Doctor's orders. He will barely let me lift a roll of toilet paper! 

                                                 At the hospital nervously waiting

After we got the GREAT news that were perfectly fine your Daddy headed back to work (with a big smile on his face) while I relaxed at our house while our cable was being installed. After it was all hooked up (3 hours later :/ ) I met your Daddy back at our apartment to help watch him pack/move some more stuff. Once he loaded our bed we realized that we would never sleep at our apartment again.  And, it would be Banx's last day ever being there as well! 

It was a little sad for me because a lot of really great things happened for us while living there...we got engaged, married, and found our that we having you! 

                                           Saying goodbye..

However, we are VERY excited to be starting the next chapter of our lives together in our new home! :) We are very blessed to be able to provide you with a great home to grow up in! I thank God everyday for all of the blessings that he has bestowed on our family! I thank Him extra times for you! ;) 

I love you beyond comprehension my healthy little Cupcake! :) 



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