Monday, January 12, 2015

Moving Day #1

Hi my sweet baby boy, 

It's official: we are completely moved into our new house! Yay! I am so excited, and exhausted! Last Thursday we moved our first set of boxes in and it felt so good!!

MANY more to come..

Of course we had to put one of your boxes in your room too...

Your first stuffed animal!  :)
(the one Mommy and Daddy found out that you are a boy with) :) 

After we Daddy moved our first set of boxes in, we decided to buy ourselves a  lil' house warming know Mommy loves presents :) 

                                                A new TV!!
Now if we could only clear our family room enough to hang it we'd be golden :) I can't wait to see you watching all your favorite shows on it in the years to come! 

                             Moving kisses from Mommy and Daddy! 

Hooray for moving day #1 down..3 more to go..

I love you Cupcake! 


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