Thursday, January 15, 2015

Shop Till You Drop

Morning my Cupcake love, 

I am happy to report that your Daddy and I are making some good progress on the home front. While your Daddy was tackling his to do list, I was busy tackling mine. I had SO much fun hanging all your clothes in your closet! It was the one thing that I was looking forward to unpacking! :) 

I must say that you have quite the clothes collection already! :) Like mother like son I guess! I have a problem with buying you stuff every time I walk by something "baby". Shopping is definitely my addiction and I can't get enough of it! Sorry B! Hello my name is Ami and I am a shop-oholic!  ;) 

I cannot wait until the baseboards get finished in your room so I can start decorating!!!!!!

                            Your closet is already half full! 

I had SO much fun looking through all your goodies last night! I can imagine you in all your little outfits! I was getting so giddy! I can't believe you will be here in a little over 3 1/2 months! Don't worry, your closet will be completely full by then! :) 

Gotta go now, I have shopping to do ;) 

I love you!! 



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