Wednesday, January 14, 2015

No More Moving For Us!

Happy hump day Cupcake! 

It feels SO good to finally be completely moved into our new house even though there are, what feels like, a million boxes stacked around the house! With me on super light duty and your Daddy working full time, it feels like it is going to take us forever until everything will be put away. This, along with the ongoing renovations, your Daddy and my to do list seems to keep growing. Regardless, it is worth all the effort! 

Thankfully we have a great family who pitched in and helped us make the big move! A special thank you to all of you that helped!..we couldn't have done it without you! 

                        Some how with these two, moving was fun! :) 

I don't think the guys were having as much fun! 

While they were doing this...

We were doing this! :) 

While the guys tackled the heavy lifting the girls tackled the unpacking. They were a big help organizing my your Daddy and my closet! And I thought I was particular about organizing, they took color coordinating to a whole new level! :) Thanks Gaga and Savanni! Now if I could only have them help me unpack all the boxes. ;) I know they would if I asked, but I won't, your welcome ;) 

The guys worked so hard to get everything moved in, including a 5 by 8 foot piece of granite (which got installed on Sunday..looks SO good!), a 10 foot piece, and an 8 foot piece! Thanks to our friendly neighbor it only took 4 guys to get them in ;) I am planning on making him some cookies to say thanks as soon as our stove gets delivered! It was supposed to get delivered on Saturday with the rest of our new appliances, but for some reason it was back ordered and no one told us! Ugh! I guess my his cookies will have to wait! ;) 

                    Banxi enjoying his only counter time..pre-granite..

No, we are not the weird people who let their animals walk on the kitchen counters (sorry weird out for the fur-balls in your soup)! :) 

                                 Post granite..Mommy is in love!

You must like it too because you just kicked me! :) I LOVE feeling you! I can't wait until I can actually feel you in my arms instead of my belly! But for now I'll take what I can get! :) 



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