Monday, January 26, 2015


Hi my Cupcake love, 

Your Daddy and I took a break from house stuff on Saturday to go to your Auntie Booga's first cheer competition of the season. It is always so fun to see her rocking it out there! She is such a stud, and her team is super good! It brings back memories of my cheer-leading days back in the day. 

                                         Booga's fans :) 

                                             Check her out!

Check out the guy on her right..your Daddy said you will not be a cheerleader! I guess we will save that for your sister one day. :) I have to agree with him on this one though. :) 

We got quite a bit done this weekend around the house. I could only help so much because it seems that my body is super limited lately. My feet hurt SO bad all the time (I don't think they like to have this much weight to support), my back hurts, and I am just uncomfortable. All is worth it for you though! There isn't anything that I wouldn't do for you! Only 3 months and 13 days to go!!!!! Eek! Can hardly wait! 

I love you beyond words! 



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