Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Shopping Break

Morning my sweet baby boy, 

With all the moving and unpacking going on over the weekend your Daddy and I needed a break, so we decided to do a lil' shoppin' (insert jump for joy here). It was a successful trip..we got our couches for the living room and the family room! And I love both SO much! :) 

The couch for the living room won't be in for another 2 weeks, which is fine because it gives us time to store more crap put away our lingering boxes. :)

                                       Couch shopping..

We came home with this beauty..it is SUPER comfy! I already found "my sweet spot"  on it. :) 

Not only did we get our new couch all set up, we your Daddy hung up our new TV in the family room as well. Things are starting to come together (hallelujah)! 
That's the pose of a happy man ;)..taken from his happy woman chillin' on her new comfy couch! :) 

Don't get me wrong, we I did have a blast shopping, but the day wasn't over..it was time to get back to work..womp womp..

While your Daddy took care of his "manly" duties, I decided to rake the back yard. Not as fun as it sounds! We have the most beautiful maple tree(I think it's a maple) :) with the most beautiful leaves that change colors! Little did I know these beautiful leaves would be such a pain in the bootay! They were literally covering our entire yard! So you, me, and our handy rake got to work sweeping them into piles for your Daddy to pick up (since I am not supposed to bend over a lot). 

                              So pretty, it is worth the effort!

      There are like a million piles(who me, exaggerate?!)  all around our yard

I bet if you were here you would be jumping in them with Banx (yes, he was having fun).. Next year :) 

I am very excited for our stove to get installed today! Now if our upper cabinets would just come in already I'd be thrilled! Fingers crossed! 

Kisses to my favorite baby boy! I love you Cupcake! 


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