Wednesday, January 7, 2015

22 Development

Happy 22 weeks and 4 days in my belly Cupcake! 

You are cookin' away, and the time is just flying by! You are now the size of a small doll!..cutest doll that ever I might add (Ken's got nothin' on you!) :) You also weigh more than a pound now!..So where have all the other lbs I've gained gone?! ;) 

Your little doll face now has eyebrows and eyelashes. The hair on your head does not have any color yet, right now it is bright white like a lil' baby grandpa. :) I am curious what color it will end up being?

This week you are developing your sense of touch and are able to grip now! I can't wait until it is my finger! You can now perceive light and dark, and your sight is becoming quite developed. You can definitely hear Mommy's voice now (yay!) and all the funny noises going on in my body. I hope you enjoy when I serenade you in the shower! :Don't ask your Daddy what he thinks about it :)

I can just imagine your cute little self in my belly gripping the umbilical cord. :) 

Mommy's got to get back to packing now. Boo! 

I love you beyond words my little white haired Cupcake! :) 

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