Thursday, January 8, 2015

Moving Day!

Hi my Cupcake, 

Happy moving day!..Well day one moving day anyway. It will probably take us about 4 days to get everything out of our apartment and into our new home! 

Our house is not completely done (we only have 1/2 a kitchen, 1/2 of our baseboards installed, and need to finish painting the stair rails) but we figure all of these things can be finished after we move in. Our apartment is rented so we don't have much of a choice, plus I am SO excited to move in finally! Our granite will be installed on Sunday so that is one step closer to the finished product. :) 

We wanted the house to be clean before we started moving our stuff in so your Daddy and I focused on cleaning last night. There have been so many contractors coming and going, and so much work being done that there were literally piles of dust on every surface. Not any more hooray! 

                               A dust message from Mommy  

We love our carpet that was installed yesterday! It is so soft and comfy and I can't wait to see you crawling all over it! We made sure to put the best pad on the market in to protect our sweet little Cupcake. It is hypoallergenic and CRI green label certified to advance our indoor air quality. :) 

                              Banxi can smell the freshness :)

      Mommy pointing to the new carpet..not the missing baseboard ha ha

                        Kisses from all three of us to you!

We love you and are counting down the days until you are here! 121 to go!! 


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