Monday, January 19, 2015

To Do List

Hi Cupcake, 

Your Daddy and I have officially been welcomed into the neighborhood...we got our first ding-dong-ditcher last night! Ha ha. We think it was a couple of young girls because your Daddy hunted them down. :)  

Aside from that we had a very productive weekend! We got a lot of to-do's checked off our list..only a million to go. ;) One thing checked off was changing our ugly front door lock! The little things make such a difference. 


                                            After :) so purdy! 

Your Grandma and Grandpa Dean stopped by with a couple of yummy dinners for us! So sweet of them, especially since our stove isn't getting delivered until tomorrow. 

                                            Enchiladas! Mmmm! 

It was GREAT to have a couple of home cooked meals to eat since we have been eating out for every meal. And although I do love Taco Bell (only since I've been pregnant..sorry Del Taco) it is getting old. I forgot to take a pic of the croissant chicken bake that your Grandma made us before we basically ate it all! Thanks again Mama Dean, you made all three of our tummy's very happy! :) 

Did I mention that I have the BEST husband, and you have the BEST Daddy in the world?..He brought "just because" flowers home for us! 


These beauty's were accompanied by the most beautiful card that melted my heart! I really am the luckiest girl alive! :) With all the chaos going on your Daddy can always calm my soul. I am excited to raise you to be as great of a man as he is! 

I love you SO much!!!! 


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