Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Busy Bee's

Happy 2015 my darling Cupcake! 

Sorry I haven't written you in a while, Mommy has been super busy! Renovating our house has literally taken up all of my time. Even though I am not physically doing any reno's (hallelujah for contractor's andyour Daddy) my time has been consumed picking out flooring, cabinets, counter tops,appliances etc.  I never imagined how much went into renovating a house! And although our house was move in ready when we bought it, your Daddy and I really wanted to make it our own so it can be perfect for you! :) 

On top of everything else we are busy packing our current apartment which is taxing in itself! Packing is really the pits! I don't know if my wanting to throw everything away is a pregnancy side effect or what? Your Daddy said I have to stay away from his stuff because he thinks he will end up with nothing. :) 

In all the chaos though you always manage to bring a smile to my face! You are really moving up a storm recently! It is so cool to feel you moving around in my belly! And I am happy to report that your Daddy finally got to feel you last week for the first time! He was so happy, it actually made me cry! 

I think you are going to be a jokester like your Daddy because you were messing with him for quite some time!..Every time you were moving you would stop as soon your Daddy put his hand on my tummy. He thinks he has the magic touch to put you to sleep, I say lets put it to the test once you are here. ;) 

Yesterday I went to the Doctor for my/your checkup. I always love hearing your sweet little heart beat! It is like music to my ears! The Doctor said that all your results from your ultrasound, where they looked at your heart, kidneys, brain, lungs etc) came back perfectly normal and healthy! Praise Jesus! She also said that your growth is right on track! She did tell me to relax as much as possible since I am getting quite a bit of Braxton Hicks contractions (which is perfectly normal). It is just my body preparing itself for giving birth to you. :) Guess your Daddy will have to do everything from now on ;) 

I say this like I have been doing that much. In all honesty your Daddy is quite protective of us and will not let me lift a finger. He doesn't even want me packing a box. :) He is the other half of my smile! He has been doing so much around the house to get it ready for us; he's my stud muffin (and you are my stud Cupcake). :) 

                  Your Daddy hard at work..and your doggy supervising

  Sneak peak of our garage after demo...I don't dare show you the rest LOL 

Our new carpet is getting installed in the house tomorrow and I am so excited! We will finally start moving in on Thursday! YAY!! We should be completely in by Sunday! Can I get an Amen!..

We have a busy week ahead of us! 

I love you SO SO SO SO much!!! 


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