Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Rain Rain Come Out And Play

Hi my darling baby, 

Mommy is quite tired today. I think it is a combination of being pregnant, getting restless sleep, and this gloomy weather. The weather has been so bizarre lately; a couple of weeks ago it was raining and hailing, this week and last week has been super hot, and today it is gray skies. I can't keep up. 

We took full advantage of the beautiful weather last weekend by doing yard work and hanging outside with my side of our family. It was fun to have them over and show them all the work we have been doing lately. Everyone loved your room! :) 

                                      Some of the gang..

                               Enjoying the purdy weather 

We hung outside, watched Family Feud (one of our favorites to watch and play along with when we are all together), and finished the night off by eating Porky's Pizza (yummers). Pretty soon you will be here to join in on the fun! 59 days to go! SO EXCITED! :) 

I hope the rain comes out to play today! I'll refrain from doing my rain dance..your welcome people! 

I love you SO MUCH! 


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