Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Rain Come Out and Play!

Hi Cupcake, 

I have been enjoying the rainy weather these past couple of days! Lord knows we need it here in Southern Cali! It hasn't hurt our lawn, that just got fertilized by your Daddy over the weekend, either! :) The weather has been so weird lately; a week ago it was almost 90 degrees! We don't get many seasons here in So Cal..it's usually sunny all year round so having a little rain is definitely a welcome change! 

Your doggy lucked out and got a walk in before the rain started on Sunday. 

Of course I was bundled while your Daddy rocked his shorts (story of our life). I wonder if you will always be cold like me, or always hot like your Daddy? Although, being pregnant has definitely made me have my "hot" moments! 

We have cool walking trails that lead to 2 great parks right behind our neighborhood, so we took advantage and hit the pavement. We are excited to take you to the parks when you are here! :) 

After we got home it started pouring! So we stayed indoors the rest of the day, in our sweats of course! :) Your Daddy worked hard at doing stuff around the house, mainly tackling the baseboards, while I watched (no not the Oscars..that was later). ;)

         Your handsome Daddy installing the baseboards in your room 

He has finished installing almost all of the baseboards on the 1st floor, and made some good progress on the 2nd. After they are installed he has to tape and paint them (for the 2nd time) before they are finished. He is planning on tackling that this next weekend. I can't wait until your room is done so we can finish decorating and put everything in its rightful place (all of your furniture is currently in the middle of your room). Fingers crossed! 

For some reason I am not feeling too good today. Not from my lingering cold, more nauseous. Maybe becuase you are so big and bouncing around in my belly? Last night I woke up in the middle of the night with a sharp pain in my ribs. It almost felt like your foot was jammed in them or something! After I pushed down on them the pain seemed to go away and I was able to go back to sleep (for 10 minutes anyway until I got visited by the potty fairy..she likes to visit me a lot throughout the night..lucky me). :) You are worth it all! 

I love you so much my growing boy! 


Monday, February 23, 2015

Weekend Happenings

Hello my precious baby, 

We had a very productive weekend around the house. We got your crib on Friday :), got some furniture delivered on Saturday, and checked a few items off of our to-do list on Sunday. 

                       Your Daddy putting your crib together

Your nursery is really starting to come together. :) We have been having so much fun picking everything out! It is looking so cute! :) 

I was having A LOT of contractions over the weekend so I really tried to lay low (as much as I could anyway..very hard for me to do)! 

                               So while your Daddy was doing this..

                                      ..we were doing this

We cheered your Daddy on while he tackled the yard work. It's the only time with your Daddy being ok with you being a cheerleader. ;) 

75 days until I get to kiss your darling face! Eek! 

I love you, 


Friday, February 20, 2015

28 Weeks Down..12 To Go!

HAPPY 28 WEEKS IN MY BELLY CUPCAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are now the size of an eggplant! You sure are growing fast! I can't believe that tomorrow is already your 29 week womb day! Eek! As always, we are counting down the days! :) 

                                28 Weeks and 5 Days here! 

Cravings: Taco Bell, Waffles, Sweets 
Things I miss the most: Sleeping on my tummy, being able to bend over with                                    ease, being able to put on shoes/socks without 
                                   sitting down, clear skin, jeans (why is this section                                        always so long? ha ha)
Symptoms: Swollen feet, sore feet, zits, back pain (sometimes), emotional,
                 shortness of breath
Moody: Not really (B?) 
Ring On or Off: On :) 
Jeans Still Fit: Heck no! It's all about the yoga pants!
Coolest Thing: Feeling you roll in my tum (so neat!), feeling you kick and 
                      punch, talking to you and knowing you can hear me, knowing                         I get to see you in 78 days!!!! 

                           You have my heart my sweet baby boy! 

                  We are SO proud to be your Mommy and Daddy!  

WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, February 19, 2015

Sweet Dreams

Happy day before Friday Cupcake (yes, I celebrate those too)! 

This week has gone especially fast because we had a three day weekend (love those)! Monday was President's Day, which equaled no work for your Mommy and Daddy (I always knew I liked something about politics) ;). 

Not only did we get to sleep in and spend the whole day together, we also got to hear your perfect lil' heartbeat at the Doctor's! It was so nice to have your Daddy with me since he usually has to work. He always takes off when we have a sonogram or anything big, but he isn't able to for all my checkups (since I go once every two weeks..soon to be once a week!). He was so happy to hear you in person instead of through a video recording (he makes sure I always record you)! 

As always, hearing you brings so much happiness to our hearts! We would listen to you all day if we could! The Doctor said you are progressing just perfectly! :) I can't believe you are only 79 days away from being in my arms!!!!!!! :) 


You are now settling into your birthing position! So, your head is facing downward. So I guess all the movement I have been feeling towards my ribs is your little legs kicking away! Have I mentioned how much I LOVE feeling you? :) 

You now weigh about 2.5 pounds and you are almost 16 inches long! You we are getting so big! 16 inches looks so long on a ruler..you must be getting quite crowded in my tum! You can now, cough, blink, suck, hiccup, and breath! You can even dream now! I would love to know what your sweet little baby dreams are all about! I hope you dream about me as much as I dream about you! 

I am so proud of all the milestones you have accomplished! Keep up the great work my baby boy!  

I love you with all of me! 


Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Fun In The Sun

Hi Cupcake, 

I hope your not getting annoyed or jostled around too much with all the coughing I've been doing lately! I can't seem to kick this nasty little bug! Every day gets a little better so I'm happy that progress is being made at least. With all the house stuff, deliveries, work etc. it has been hard laying low to just rest. The weekend was no exception as we managed to pack each day to the max..with all fun stuff though. :) 

On Saturday we met your Granddad for brunch at Side Street Cafe (yum) by the beach. He used to take me and your Auntie there all the time when we were kids. Your Granddad lived right down the street and I remember riding bikes to the restaurant (me on his handlebars..I wasn't a good bike rider even back then..some things never change ha ha). I hadn't eaten there in years so it was a fun walk down memory lane! The food was so good that I forgot to take a pic (Mommy fail!). 

After, we headed to your Grandma and Grandpa Dean's campsite in Huntington for a BBQ. Your Aunt and Cousin's joined in on the fun too! Before we grubbed we walked to the pier to watch a surfing contest. 

                        Your Cousin Quinn was playing peek-a-boo lol 

      It was such a beautiful day out..hot..even in winter! Welcome to Cali!

We ate a yummy steak dinner then headed home for some R&R. We rented Fury and snuggled the night away in our jammies. :) It was a great ending to a great day! 

Your due date is officially 80 days away!!!!!!!! Eek! I can hardly contain my excitement! Hope they go FAST! 

I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Valentines Day Recap

Hi my darling baby boy, 

We had a GREAT Valentines day! It was filled with lots of love...and shopping! :) 

The day before, I picked up a bunch of goodies to make your Daddy a surprise V-day breakfast. I even bought heart shaped cookie cutters to make his french toast extra special. I always wake up at least an hour before your Daddy on the weekends so I knew I could pull my surprise off without a hitch. Little did I know that your Daddy had the same surprise in mind! We are definitley meant to be! Call us two peas in a pod. :) 

Your Daddy woke up extra early to make me the exact same breakfast I was planning on making him!..minus the heart shaped french toast. :) Saying it was bomb is an understatement! I'm sure mine wouldn't have been as tasty (he is the cook in the family). Needless to say, my taste buds were dancing right along with you! :) 

                                                             Lucky us!

His card was so sweet..I bawled like a little baby! :) After breakfast we met Gaga, Papa, and your Auntie Booga for some V'day shoppin'. :) I am excited to report that we finally, after searching every furniture store in a 60 mile radius, got our dining room table (swoon..triple time), end table, and sofa table! I am SO in love with everything and can't wait until it all gets delivered on Saturday!! 

                   Shop till you drop..on a chase lounge for a foot break 

After our long (and fun) day of shopping, your Daddy and I headed home to cuddle on the couch, watch a movie, and eat a yummy dinner. Your Daddy said he would make me anything I wanted and guess what I chose?...In n Out! :) 

                             Animal style fries?..yes please!

It was the perfect way to end a perfect day! I am so lucky to have the best husband in the world, and you the best daddy! I can't wait until you are here next Valentines day so we can spoil you with more than yummy food! ;) I am going to smother you with kisses..be prepared! :)  

We both love you SO much!! 


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Bring On The Healing

Hi Cupcake, 

Mommy still isn't feeling well (womp womp), a little better each day so that is good news! In other good news, Mommy and Daddy got some of your furniture yesterday! Well, bought it anyway. We don't get it until Monday. We also got bought a new coffee table (which I am in love with) for the family room, which won't get delivered for a week and a half..worth the wait though! :) 

We got bought both of your dressers yesterday and I am in love with them too! We hunted countless baby stores looking for furniture for you and ended up getting you adult furniture pieces instead because everything we found was kind of cheap looking for kids. Plus since their quality is so good they will last you a long time! Winning! 

We are going to get your crib as soon as we get the dressers in hand so that we can match them all perfectly. :) Once we get the crib then we can start decorating with all the finishes! Excited!! :) 


In other totally unrelated news, Mommy has a new craving which I am hoping you are a enjoying as well...crushed ice! I know, random right?! I recently discovered that our new fridge makes thee best crushed ice!! It is like the soft kind you get at Donut Shops (anyone?). Anyway, since my discovery I can't wait to get home to it everyday. Ha ha. I even bring a cup with me to work every morning. I am a nut, I know.  

                                          Getting my fix!  

What can I say?..I scream for ice cream! :) At least it's healthier than all the other crud I've been craving...and it won't add extra lbs to my already plumpy preggo frame (bonus)! :) I think Banxi is trying to ward off unnecessary lbs too..

                     Weighing himself..his face looks quite displeased!

I also engaged in other retail healing (it helps me when I'm sick ;)) yesterday..I got you three new outfits that are SO cute! I cannot wait to put you in them! Everyday I get more excited than the last because I know you are one day closer to being here! 86 days to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Bon Appetit

Good Morning my darling Cupcake, 

Your Mommy has been feeling like poo these last few days! I have been sicker than a dawg and it has been the pits! I talked to our Doctor, and read countless blogs about being sick while preggo, and they all said the same thing: you are perfectly fine! :) In fact, you have all my immunity which makes me more susceptible to getting sick (and makes my symptoms worse than they normally would be), but I am happy to take all the symptoms in the world as long as it means you are safe and comfy in my tum!

I woke up on Friday with a sore throat. It wasn't super bad so I didn't read too much into it. Your Papa and Gaga came over Friday night and hung with me and your Daddy, which was a ton as fun. As usual when we are all together, we laughed a ton, which I don't think helped my throat much because I woke up on Saturday feeling a lil' worse. But...that didn't stop me from shopping. :) 

Your Daddy and I met the gang at the Orange County Marketplace.. 

                              Boogie's selfie stick is the bomb.com

What you can't see in this picture is all of our ice cream. We all got frozen banana's except for your Daddy (he says they have no flavor), and boy were they good! I don't think it helped my sickness much though! Sugar + Sicky = no bueno! It wasn't until I read this online that I found out all the reasons why you shouldn't eat sugar when you're sick (Mommy fail)! 

We didn't come home with much..I got two new hats to add to my collection though! :) I have a hat obsession as you will soon find out. ;) 

                       Your Daddy wanted to come home with this

My sickness hit me hard on Saturday night! I was literally crying because I felt so bad! Stuffy nose, sore throat, earache, chest congestion etc. Thank goodness I had the best (and cutest) nurse (your Daddy) to take care of me. :)  He was so sweet to me (as always) and made sure I was as comfortable as could be, and made me lots of soup . I love him so much!

                This is what my meals consisted of over the weekend..

I stayed in bed/couch all day Sunday and yesterday. I am still feeling pretty poopy today, but a little better! I hope your poor Daddy doesn't get it because he started to get a little stuffy last night. If he does I will be happy to put my nurse hat on! 

I am just SO thankful that you are staying healthy through all of this! Praying for a speedy recovery! Off to eat lunch..on the menu..soup! 

I love you!!!!



Thursday, February 5, 2015

Where's The Carbonation?

Hello there my precious Cupcake, 

Yesterday I had to get a routine glucose screening test done. It was not the funnest thing to have to do, but necessary to check my glucose (sugar) level to rule out gestational diabetes. I had to fast (boo!) and sit my bootay in the Doctor's office for three (yes, three) hours! This is because they had to draw my blood three (yes, three) times! 

They took my blood (ouch) then had me drink this sugary drink that tasted like a flat Sprite. The drink wasn't as bad as other moms have told me, but they could have given a sista some carbonation! It was a lil' sugary for me though, and as you will learn I am not the biggest soda fan, so it was not fun to drink it all in 5 minutes. But being the champ that I am (insert horn tooting here) I got the job done. :) 

After guzzling it down I had to wait one hour in the waiting room until they stuck me again. They wouldn't let me leave the office in case I got dizzy or nauseous (womp womp). Good thing I brought my current book with me (Dark Places by Gillian Flynn, in case you wanted to know) :). So, long story short, I waited the hour, had my blood drawn again (ouch), then waited another hour (in the waiting room) and had my blood drawn again (ouch). 

                                 Going crazy in the waiting room

                                         My battle wounds..

I decided to get poked in my right arm twice (since it's my tuff arm) :) and once in my left. They were kind enough to not stick the needle in the same hole..gee thanks Doc! ;) 

Praying for good results! On another note, you are getting SO big! Sometimes you kick me right by my ribs and down by my bladder at the same time! You are also getting pretty strong, or working on your soccer skills, because your kicks are getting harder and harder! Your Daddy said he felt you kick the hardest he ever has last night. :) For some reason, every time you kick him it makes me laugh, which shakes my "jolly Santa belly", which makes your Daddy tell me to stop laughing so he can feel you, which makes me laugh even harder..it's a daily cycle. :) 

You bring us so much joy and we can't wait until you are here so we can spoil you with love (and kisses)! 93 days to go!!!!!!!!!



Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Cupcake the Comedian

Hi my favorite baby boy, 

Hearing your adorable lil' heartbeat made my day yesterday! The Doctor said that everything is going great so far and I couldn't be happier! She also told me that she will not let you stay in my belly for more than one week after your due date, so I know that you will be here May 16th at the latest! Eek! :) :) While we were listening to your heartbeat you kicked me pretty hard and it made a big thud noise..it was so funny. I think it was your way of saying hello to your Mommy. :) 

While I was at work, anxiously waiting to hear your sweet self, your Grandpa Perry surprised me with a beautiful Orchid! It was such a sweet surprise (you know I love surprises) :) and it was great to visit with him too!

Thanks for bringing love to my office Grandpa Perry! I took a pic with him but you couldn't see the pretty flower so I had you stand in instead. 

Last night you pulled a funny on your Daddy! We I was laying on the couch after dinner,and your Daddy was talking to you through my tummy( he does this nightly, which is really cute) for a long time. You weren't responding to him at all (by moving, which you usually do) and he said, "if I'm bugging you kick me",and you immediately kicked. We were laughing so hard! It was so hilarious! You were trying to sleep,and boy did you get your point across! Ha ha! You crack Mommy up! I guess my belly bouncing around from laughing didn't help your cause either. Sorry Cupcake. 

I love you my lil' wise guy! You make me so happy! :) 


Monday, February 2, 2015

Super Bowl

Good Morning Cupcake, 

We had a pretty productive weekend..we finally got our garage cleaned out (amen), picked out your furniture (swoon), and watched Super Bowl 49. We decided to skip the parties this year and watch the big game from the comfort of our own home. :) It was so nice to stay in jammies and snuggle with my boys on the couch! I wouldn't have wanted it any other way!
Love our family! 

I was rooting for the Patriots and your Daddy was rooting for the Seahawks (even though neither are our team). We decided to put a wager on it to make it interesting,.. and Mommy won! Yippie! Oh how I'm looking forward to my 5 minute back and 5 minute foot massage I have coming! :) I think I will collect tonight B so rest those fingers! ;) 

Your Daddy bbq'd some b.o.m.b carne asada tacos after the game..my taste buds were dancing! I hope yours were too! 

                Paper cup to match the paper plate..keepin' it classy ;)

Even though your Daddy lost our bet (mwahaha) he was still jumping for joy because he won his Super Bowl pool at work. We are officially $325 richer!! :) What a great way to end a great weekend! 

Usually I dread Monday's but today I am VERY excited because I get to hear your perfect lil' heartbeat at the Doctor's! I'll take Monday everyday if it means I get to hear you! 3:00 can't come fast enough! 

I love you SO much! 
