Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Christmas Recap

Happy last day of 2014 my sweet baby! 

You will be a 2015 baby! :) 129 Days to go to be exact! Hooray! Mommy can't wait to spoil you! You are already SO spoiled! Everyone got you so much cute stuff for Christmas this year and you are not even here yet! I can only imagine how spoiled you will be when you are! 

I can't really talk because your Mommy and Daddy always get spoiled too! :) 

                            Daddy opening his stalking from Santa

                          Football onsie for you! Thanks Papa and Gaga

                  How awesome is your new big?! Gaga loves you back!

           Love the look of excitement! Can't wait to see it on your face!

    Uncle Trent and Auntie Kort got you a 49er rubber ducky! Daddy is in love!

                                   The chaos of Christmas

  Papa and Gaga have hooked you up with two pairs of Chucks now! Swoon! 

After we opened a TON of presents (Papa and Gaga always do WAY too much!) we ate a yummy breakfast, like we do every year after the madness of opening, and headed out to celebrate Jesus's birthday with our Dean family. :)

                How cute is your Cousin Quinn?! What a perfect present!
Thanks to your Aunt Danielle and Uncle Ryan we will be twinning it up in style! 

                      They also got you your 1st pair of Levi's! 

LOVE this canvas print your Grandpa and Grandma Dean got us! I am so excited to put it in our new house!!

After we hung with the fam for a bit we headed to our 3rd and final stop; Mommy's Daddy's house. :) 

We had a delicious dinner (you know Mommy is all about the food) and lots of laughs. 

                                                                  Daddy's girl

Grandpa spoiled your Daddy and I with...

                                             A new TV!!!!!!!!! :) :) 

We are so blessed to have such a wonderful family to spend the holiday's with! We are so thankful for each and every one of them..including the Cupcake my belly! :) 

I love you, 


Monday, December 29, 2014

What A Merry Christmas Eve!

Hi My 21 week and 2 day old Cupcake! 

What a great Christmas we had! I hope you enjoyed yourself and all the yummy food I ate! :) 

We attended Papa and Gaga's annual Christmas Eve party and had a great time! This year we played "Minute To Win It" games, and since your Daddy and I already went to a "Minute To Win It" themed party we already had some practice at a couple of the games. 

                                Daddy, Mommy, and Cupcake

                                   Getting ready for dinner!

                      Chef Gaga making her famous mashed potatoes!

                           Daddy and Auntie Savanni grubbing down

                                     Mommy's plate before

                                            ...and after

                                        Full tummy kisses!

                        Mommy and Daddy with Christian and Uncle Ty

                                     Love me some Savanni!

Let the games begin! First up the..cookie-to-mouth-with-no-hands-challenge..


                                     Almost there Booga! 

Surprisingly your Mommy completed this challenge! Maybe because I had some practice at the 1st party. ;)

Next up..Scoop-cotton-balls-from-bowl-on-head-to-bowl-on-lap-blindfolded- challenge.. 

Definitely harder than it looks! 

3rd challenge: hook-candy canes-with- mouth-candy cane-and wiggle-out-of-bowl-challenge..

                             They look more like feeding reindeer! ;)

4th challenge: use-your-nose-dipped-in-Vaseline-to-pick-cotton balls-off-of-a-plate-and-wiggle-free-challenge..


Last up..the shoot-cups-off-of-table-with-rubber bands-challenge

                         Clearly we can see who won this round! :)

Your Mommy did NOT do good on this challenge! I didn't get any cups off of the table, and I walked away with a red thumb from shooting myself the whole time! Ha ha. Good news, your Daddy won this challenge by a landslide! What one of us lacks, the other makes up for! :) 

                  Grandpa Perry and Daddy watching the shenanigans

                                        Posing with Papa

          Grandpa Perry is still rocking his "its a boy guess necklace" Love it! 

After we did our annual secret Santa gift exchange (I scored with the cutest Santa chalkboard), everyone left and our immediate family opened our special ornament and matching jammies from Papa and Gaga. It is my favorite part every year! Your Mommy loves traditions! :) 

This year we got the CUTEST ornament! It is a mommy and daddy snowman with our names on it. The mommy is pregnant and has a big ol' pregnant belly like your Mommy! Swoon! It will be proudly displayed on our tree next year! 

Our jammies were HILARIOUS!!!! They are probably the funniest ones to date! 

                      You really helped me fill out the belly Cupcake!   

Your Daddy and I are so excited to carry on our fun and special traditions with you! I can't wait to see you in your matching jammies next year! 



Wednesday, December 24, 2014

We Own A House!

Merry Christmas Eve my Cupcake!!

Your Daddy and I got the BEST present this year! Not only do we have you cooking in my belly, which is the greatest present of all, but we also got the keys to our first house on Monday!! 

We are so excited for you to grow up in it! I know you will love it as much as we do! Even though the house is move in ready we are going to do some renovations before we move in to make it our own! SO EXCITED!! I cannot wait to decorate your nursery! Eek! :)

                                     Signing loan doc's! 



                                     First Time Home Selfie

              Your Daddy picking an avocado off our AVOCADO TREE!!!!

Even though we do not have any furniture in the house yet we had to celebrate by having pizza there the first night we got the keys!

Those cabinets we will ripped out today, yes we are working on Christmas Eve, and happy to do it!!!!! :) Let the renovations begin!!

We are SO thankful for all of our blessings this year! God is SO Good and we give Him all of the glory and praise! I thank Him everyday! Happy almost birthday Jesus! :) 

We have a fun filled next couple of days, can't wait to fill you in! I love you my greatest blessing of all! You are on my mind, in my heart, and in my prayers every second of every day!!! 

Thankful kisses to my favorite baby boy! 



Tuesday, December 23, 2014

20 Weeks Down..20 To Go!

    HAPPY 20 WEEKS CUPCAKE!!!!!!!!

Hooray, you are half way cooked! You are now the size of a banana! You are getting so BIG; 10 inches long now! That's my boy! :) 

                                      20 Weeks and 3 Days! 

Mommy loves her baby boy! 

Cravings: Any and every thing! :) Nothing in particular. Food is GOOD! ;)
Things I Miss the Most: Hot baths, sleeping on my belly, my jeans!! 
Symptoms: Growing belly,..and growing everything else! ;)
Moody?: Sometimes. I have a little less patience. 
Ring On Or Off?: On
Jeans Still Fit?: Nope :( 
Coolest Thing: Being able to feel you move around in my belly

                                           Growing boy!

                   Thank you husband for growing your belly with me! :) 

Tomorrow is CHRISTMAS EVE!!! Your Daddy and I are so excited for you to be here next Christmas! We are already planning all of the fun activities we will do with you, and all of the traditions we will continue! You are our heart!