Friday, December 5, 2014

Mammoth Part 2

Happy last day of 17 weeks Cupcake! 

You sure are growing fast, and I am SO happy about it because I can't wait until you are here!!!!!!! My belly is definitely evidence of your growing self..

                                                         On our balcony in Mammoth

We had the most beautiful suite in Mammoth (thank you Papa and Gaga) with the most gorgeous views! The staff at the hotel told us when Oblivion was filmed, Tom Cruise stayed in our exact suite throughout the filming! I could only imagine him jumping on the very couch I was sitting on! :) 

You could even see Mammoth rock from one of our balconies ,there were 3 total so we definitely had the panoramic view going on! 

We came the perfect weekend because the Village was having a weekend full of Christmas celebrations (score!). There was a Christmas tree lighting ceremony and live bands every night! 

                                  At the tree lighting ceremony

I made sure to wear my cupcake beanie just for you! That, and extra warm snow pants..and LOTS of layers of shirts! :) 

                                    Daddy, Mommy, and CUPCAKE

                    Extra large Christmas characters were even there!

                         Definitely no cankles going on here! ;)

The last day of our trip we went to June Lake where we ate some of the best toffee I have ever tasted (your welcome), went to the ski resort, and did a lil' souvenir shopping. When you get all of the girls from our family together shopping in inevitable (what is that saying? is our cardio!), the guys are used to it! :)


Of course your Daddy is in shorts and no sleeves while Mommy is bundled up! This is the story of our lives! He is notoriously hot all the time, and Mommy is always cold! Opposites attract ;) 

                                        Lovin' the giant tree!

The weekend went by way too fast, but I was so happy to get home to Banxi! This was my first time to Mammoth, but won't be my last! I am excited to see you playing in the snow next time! 

Snow angels and Eskimo kisses to my Cupcake! 

I love you, 


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