Friday, December 19, 2014

Ninja Cupcake

Happy last day of 19 weeks my Cupcake love! 

Tomorrow is a GREAT day! Not only will you be 1/2 way cooked, Mommy and Daddy (and our entire family) get to find out if you are a girl or a boy! WE ARE SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday, Mommy and Daddy got to see you too! You are so precious!! I just wanted to hug and kiss you! You were moving around a lot, and at one point you were sucking your thumb!! SO cute! :) :) :) 

Since we are having our reveal party with our family tomorrow your Daddy and I made sure that the nurse that was doing the ultrasound didn't blow your secret identity! ;) Actually Mommy drilled it in her head! Hey, I wasn't taking any chances! I got my (many) points across because she barely said a word! She actually said, "I have never been so quite in my life". My insistence
annoyance was a success because we walked out of there with your concealed identity in two envelopes. 

She probably thought I was a nut because after she handed over the 1st envelope I asked her to write it down in another for my own peace of mind. That's your type A Mommy for ya! So here we were with two envelopes and a strong urge to peek, so what did your Daddy and Mommy do you ask?...we put them in another envelope! Ha Ha! Now we have two double stuffed manila envelopes sitting on our counter taunting us! Can tomorrow come faster please?! 

                                                          Oh ya..Cupcake time!!!!!!!!

                                                            How cute are you?!!!!

  Kinda blurry, but if you look closely you can see some thumb sucking action!

                                             Proud Mommy   

Did I mention that I am SO EXCITED for the big reveal tomorrow? ;) I think I am going to have a hard time sleeping tonight! 

I LOVE YOU MY INCOGNITO CUPCAKE! I hope you enjoy your last day as an "I don't know what you are" Cupcake! :) I may not know what you are, but I do know that you are PERFECT! 

Kisses to my favorite baby! 


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