Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Tis the Season

Hello my darling Cupcake, 

Since I can't decorate our house (because we are moving soon), I decided to help Gaga decorate hers. Hey, a girl has got to get her fix one way or another. ;) 

With the help of your Uncle Tanner we were nearly able to finish the "gold tree". It is a beast of a tree and takes an army, and a ladder, to complete. With the tree of us (see what I did there?), our friend sees, and our Santa hats, we were rocking and rolling. 

                  Gaga doing her best Santa impression, "ho ho ho"

                                  Tree decorating necessity! 

Gnome Santa 

My, what a fast arm you have! 

                                       We love you Cupcake!

Oh how I love Christmas time! I can't believe it is only one week away! Jump for joy (and Jesus)! 

Your Daddy and I get to see you tomorrow my sweet baby! I am literally counting down the minutes (and seconds)!  

Santa hats and caramel clusters :) 

I love you! 


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