Thursday, December 4, 2014

Mammoth Part 1

Hello my darling Cupcake, 

I just got home from my Doctor appointment where I got to hear your little heart beat! Melts my heart every time! The Doctor said everything sounds great! Your little heart is beating at 152 beats per minute! That's my champ! :) 

Over the weekend we celebrated yet another birthday, well actually two (and your womb-day). The entire gang (minus your Uncle Ty) went to Mammoth to celebrate your Gaga's 50th b-day, and your Auntie Kortney's b-day happened to fall on the same weekend. We had SUCH a fun time! It was FREEZING but I kept you nice and bundled in lots of layers of clothes. ;) 

We left for Mammoth the day after Thanksgiving, and of course I cried, yes cried, when we had to say goodbye to Banxi! God only knows how I will react to leaving you once you are here?!..Whelp I guess we are just going to have to take you everywhere! :)   

We left at 4:00 a.m. and I was a great road buddy because I stayed awake the entire drive..your welcome husband! ;) 

We stopped a few times along the 5 hour drive (lots of potty breaks for Mommy) and I discovered a new food that gets you grooving...Carl's Jr hash browns! LOL! Don't worry, your Mommy does a little happy dance when she eats them too! 

                                      Starting the trip off right!

After we checked into our gorgeous hotel room we went for a little sight seeing..

                 Can you see the snow on the mountains?..So pretty! 

                 So many trees everywhere..the air is so crisp!

                        Mommy and was SO windy and COLD

                                   Did I mention it was Cold?!

                         Mommy trying to keep warm with your Uncle

                                     Jump if you love Cupcake!

    The lake was frozen in a lot of places, you can spot some ice behind us 

                 Of course your Daddy found a huge piece to snack on


                                        ...and some more

                                    Daddy hugging both of us!                                  

                                   WE LOVE YOU! 




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