Friday, December 12, 2014

18 Week Development

Happy last day of 18 weeks Cupcake! 

You are now the size of a sweet potato, and sweet you are!:)You are about 5 1/2 inches from the top of your sweet lil' head to the bottom of your sweet lil' rump! :) And Mommy's uterus is the size of a big ol' cantaloupe. 

I am happy to report that I have been able to feel your precious little self moving around in my tummy! It is the coolest feeling being able to feel you twisting and rolling (and kicking and punching). You haven't punched  twisted ;) hard enough for your Daddy to be able to feel you yet, but he is anxiously waiting! 

Your nervous system is in working order and is hard at work maturing your touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing senses. I wonder if you can hear Daddy talking to you everyday when he gets home from work (and all throughout the night)? He sure does love you! I hope you can hear me too, although I can't quite get as close to you as he can. 

We are SO excited to get to see you next week! Only 3 days to!! As always I hope you put on a show for us! By now you are able to yawn, so maybe we will get to see that (if you are a sleepy sweet potato). Maybe I will have to make a stop at Carl's Jr for some hash browns to wake you up.;) 


I am so proud of you and all of your hard work this week! Just think, tomorrow is your 19 week womb-day! I will have to feed you something extra special! ;) 



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