Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Turkey Day!

Hi Cupcake love, 

Sorry I haven't written you in a few days, things have been crazy! Between Thanksgiving and a vacation Mommy hasn't had a chance to relax. I would love to however since I am still trying to recover from all the food  I  we ate on turkey day! 

Here is a lil' recap of the day..

Mommy, Gaga, and Papa getting ready to grub down at your Auntie/Uncle                                                Borts' house

Of course Mommy and Booga had to lick Gaga's famous potatoes off of the mixers..its a tradition ;)...and they are too good to go to waste! 

                                                                        Mommies :) 

                                         Going for my plate...

                                                Meal #1 

                                                                Gaga and Uncle Tanner

Your Great Aunt Tiff predicting if you are a boy or girl...the results...girl!! Lets see if it is right..Auntie Kortney's results were wrong so I'm not counting on it! ;) We shall see SOON! Yahoo!  

                Daddy, Mommy, and Uncle Tanner relaxing after the yummy meal

Family Love..can't wait till that is you on Gaga's lap! 

Next we were off to your Grandpa's house for some more goodies! 
Grandpa in action! 

Your Great Uncle Bobby, Mommy and Grandpa

Meal #2

The day would not have been complete without pumpkin pie of course! 

I hope you enjoyed your first Thanksgiving meal..it will be a couple of years before you are able to eat all of these goodies again! So I made sure to give you your fair 2 year share of everything this year. ;)

I love you soooooooo much my turkey eating Cupcake! 


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