Wednesday, December 24, 2014

We Own A House!

Merry Christmas Eve my Cupcake!!

Your Daddy and I got the BEST present this year! Not only do we have you cooking in my belly, which is the greatest present of all, but we also got the keys to our first house on Monday!! 

We are so excited for you to grow up in it! I know you will love it as much as we do! Even though the house is move in ready we are going to do some renovations before we move in to make it our own! SO EXCITED!! I cannot wait to decorate your nursery! Eek! :)

                                     Signing loan doc's! 



                                     First Time Home Selfie

              Your Daddy picking an avocado off our AVOCADO TREE!!!!

Even though we do not have any furniture in the house yet we had to celebrate by having pizza there the first night we got the keys!

Those cabinets we will ripped out today, yes we are working on Christmas Eve, and happy to do it!!!!! :) Let the renovations begin!!

We are SO thankful for all of our blessings this year! God is SO Good and we give Him all of the glory and praise! I thank Him everyday! Happy almost birthday Jesus! :) 

We have a fun filled next couple of days, can't wait to fill you in! I love you my greatest blessing of all! You are on my mind, in my heart, and in my prayers every second of every day!!! 

Thankful kisses to my favorite baby boy! 



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