Monday, December 22, 2014

You Are A......

Hi my not-incognito-anymore-Cupcake! 

Saturday was an AMAZING day because your Daddy and I, along with our family, got to find out if you are a girl or boy! We hosted a "pastries and pajamas" reveal party at Papa and Gaga's house, and had SO much fun! Everyone was cozy in their pj's, we had yummy food, great company, and Christmas in the air; it was a perfect night! 

We will remember it forever! 

                        What will our gift be? A He or a She?

..we could hardly wait to find out!

                                    Your anxious parents

...of course your Mommy is in Cupcake jammies! :) 

     Of course we had to get the shot of Cupcake in the Cupcake jammies!

    Everyone wore either a pink or blue ornament necklace to cast their vote..
       Mommy was team blue and Auntie Booga and Savanni were team pink

Daddy and Grandpa Dean were team blue and Grandma Dean was team team 

                                   Santa is almost here!! 

                                            Yummy pastries

                          Milk and cookies to wash the goodies down

                                    GG blowing you kisses!

                              Grandpa and Tina were team pink

                                              Chili time!


After our bellies were full we played a couple of fun games! First up, which reindeer could eat the carrot first?..

Stuffing balloons in nylons to make antlers was not as easy as you'd think ;)

                                         They were on a roll!

                                    Uncle Trent beat me by a hair


                                 Your reindeer Mommy and Daddy

                  Great Aunt Tiff and 2nd Cousin Tatum were team pink

                                  Aunt Danielle was team blue

      Uncle Ty and Skylar were team blue..nice photo bomb Unlce Tan! 

                            Mommy's sister from another mister ;)

It was almost time for the big reveal, but first we played pictionary..Mommy was getting SO anxious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Go Daddy go!

Your stocking was hanging (well it was hanging until it was too heavy from all the presents in it :)) between Mommy and Daddy's on the fireplace. In the bottom of your stocking was a wrapped present for Mommy and Daddy to open. The present had either a pink or blue stuffed animal in it, which would let us know if you are a girl or boy!!..and also be your first stuffed animal! :) 

Only the Doctor that performed the ultrasound, and the customer service rep at Norstrom knew what was in the box! Me and Gaga went to Norstrom on Friday to get the present. We handed the rep the (double stuffed :)) sealed envelope and he went into the back and came out with your secret identity wrapped in a box! We were dying! We literally flew out of the store and had so much excited energy running through our veins that we made a lap around the mall and A. didn't realize it and B. Had no idea where we were going. Ha ha! 

                        So much excitement and love in one little bag!

                                              Almost time....

I was SO anxious while opening all of the presents everyone got you! sure are spoiled already! You are SO loved by so many people already!! A BIG THANK YOU to all of you who helped celebrate such a special day with us! 

I was literally fighting back tears the closer and closer we got to the bottom of the stocking! 

                                      THE present!!!!!..OM gosh!! 

                                           YOU ARE A.....


We both immediately broke into tears! We are SO excited and proud! We love you SO much our precious baby BOY! You fill our hearts with so much love and we cannot wait to hold you in our arms!! 

                                Gaga holding her baby in her arms :)


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