Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Minute to Win It!

Happy Tuesday Cupcake, 

Tis the season to celebrate with loved ones, and that we did over the weekend! We attended our annual Christmas party with our Dean family (and extended Seyney, Marino,Tolson, and Wallace families..that was a mouthful ;)) on Saturday. It is always a blast, and we look forward to it every year. 

This year the theme of the party was "minute to win it" and we competed against each other to win the best ranking in the present picking line up. We played so many fun games, but your Mommy didn't do too hot ha ha. Out of the six games that we played I was only able to complete one, yes one, in under a minute. Your Daddy did much better (thanks for holdin' it down for our family babe)..

We had to blow the cups off the table with our own air from a balloon. Your Daddy did better than me because he is full of hot air, what?!..he has bigger lungs ;)

My favorite game, and the most fun to watch was the cookie challenge! Everyone had to try and get the cookie from their forehead to their mouth without using their hands. It. was. hilarious. 

Of course my cookie was the only one to melt all over my face!..maybe I am more full of hot air than I thought ;). One thing is for sure..your Daddy's mouth is full of cookies! 

Next up..bouncing pencils into cups by their erasers. Nearly impossible (for me that is)!
Balancing 6 dice on a Popsicle stick; my ONE victory! Clearly I am excited! 


Of course my post would not be complete without the food shot! Quiche, salad, and soup made for a happy Cupcake! 

..and of course the cheesecake helped too! :) 

             Your Cousin Quinn was drooling over the cheesecake too! :)

Excited for you to join in on the fun next Christmas! Almost time to find out if you will be in a party dress or handsome sweater! Can hardly wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I LOVE YOU!!!!  



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