Thursday, January 29, 2015

Counting Down The Days!

100 days until you are here Cupcake!!!!!!! 3 months and 10 days!!! Yippie! We. Can. Not. Wait! 

Mommy has been busy trying to pick your bedding and furniture! I never thought that it would be such a trying task..there are so many cute girl bedding options, but a lot of the boy stuff looks super cheesy. But I think I have narrowed it down and am hoping to pick it up this weekend (if I can drag your Daddy down to Santa Monica..he will do anything for you so fingers crossed) :)

You are not the only one who is getting new furniture. :) Your Daddy and I have been spending hours looking and buying stuff to fill up our new house. This has been a trying task in itself...but super fun! :) We got our new couches for the living room yesterday! :) 

                                 Daddy getting them all ready

We could barely get them unwrapped before your doggy was testing them out!  

                Of course your Mommy had to test them out too.. ;) 

Cute, check. Comfy, check. Everything is slowly starting to come together. I am hoping to get our dining room table this weekend as well (maybe on our way to Santa Monica..B?) 

I love you so much! I hope these next 100 days go FAST! 


Monday, January 26, 2015


Hi my Cupcake love, 

Your Daddy and I took a break from house stuff on Saturday to go to your Auntie Booga's first cheer competition of the season. It is always so fun to see her rocking it out there! She is such a stud, and her team is super good! It brings back memories of my cheer-leading days back in the day. 

                                         Booga's fans :) 

                                             Check her out!

Check out the guy on her right..your Daddy said you will not be a cheerleader! I guess we will save that for your sister one day. :) I have to agree with him on this one though. :) 

We got quite a bit done this weekend around the house. I could only help so much because it seems that my body is super limited lately. My feet hurt SO bad all the time (I don't think they like to have this much weight to support), my back hurts, and I am just uncomfortable. All is worth it for you though! There isn't anything that I wouldn't do for you! Only 3 months and 13 days to go!!!!! Eek! Can hardly wait! 

I love you beyond words! 



Friday, January 23, 2015

24 Weeks Down..16 To Go!

HAPPY 24 WEEKS IN MY BELLY CUPCAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are now the size of a cantaloupe, and Mommy's belly is the size of a watermelon (not kidding)! :) You (and I ) are getting SO big! I was looking at our 20 weeks photos and cannot believe how big you have grown in one month! That just means we are getting so much closer to your birthday! Eek! Tomorrow is your 25 week womb-day..we will definitely be celebrating! :)   

The bigger you get, the better I can feel you moving around in my tum! Which is WAY cool! I teared up at work a couple of days ago because I could feel your little elbow(?) or hand (?) or foot (?) SO well. If I wasn't at work I would have had a full blown joy-cry sesh! :) 

24 Weeks and 5 Days here! 

Whoa Mama! :) 

Cravings: Taco Bell (totally weird for me! I never liked it, I have always been                a loyal Del Taco'er) and sweets
Things I miss the most: Hot baths (go figure), not having to pee 20 times                   while trying to sleep, sleeping on my tummy, being able to bend over             with ease, and clear skin (is that it? LOL).  
Symptoms: Braxton Hicks contractions, zits, big everything, cravings
Moody: Really not too bad this month (I think?) ;)
Ring On or Off: On :) 
Jeans Still Fit: No..Oh how I miss them! 
Coolest Thing: Feeling you move and knowing that you are coming SOON!

                              You have my heart my growing boy! 

                                   You make us SO happy! 

WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Shopping Break

Morning my sweet baby boy, 

With all the moving and unpacking going on over the weekend your Daddy and I needed a break, so we decided to do a lil' shoppin' (insert jump for joy here). It was a successful trip..we got our couches for the living room and the family room! And I love both SO much! :) 

The couch for the living room won't be in for another 2 weeks, which is fine because it gives us time to store more crap put away our lingering boxes. :)

                                       Couch shopping..

We came home with this is SUPER comfy! I already found "my sweet spot"  on it. :) 

Not only did we get our new couch all set up, we your Daddy hung up our new TV in the family room as well. Things are starting to come together (hallelujah)! 
That's the pose of a happy man ;)..taken from his happy woman chillin' on her new comfy couch! :) 

Don't get me wrong, we I did have a blast shopping, but the day wasn't was time to get back to work..womp womp..

While your Daddy took care of his "manly" duties, I decided to rake the back yard. Not as fun as it sounds! We have the most beautiful maple tree(I think it's a maple) :) with the most beautiful leaves that change colors! Little did I know these beautiful leaves would be such a pain in the bootay! They were literally covering our entire yard! So you, me, and our handy rake got to work sweeping them into piles for your Daddy to pick up (since I am not supposed to bend over a lot). 

                              So pretty, it is worth the effort!

      There are like a million piles(who me, exaggerate?!)  all around our yard

I bet if you were here you would be jumping in them with Banx (yes, he was having fun).. Next year :) 

I am very excited for our stove to get installed today! Now if our upper cabinets would just come in already I'd be thrilled! Fingers crossed! 

Kisses to my favorite baby boy! I love you Cupcake! 


Monday, January 19, 2015

To Do List

Hi Cupcake, 

Your Daddy and I have officially been welcomed into the neighborhood...we got our first ding-dong-ditcher last night! Ha ha. We think it was a couple of young girls because your Daddy hunted them down. :)  

Aside from that we had a very productive weekend! We got a lot of to-do's checked off our list..only a million to go. ;) One thing checked off was changing our ugly front door lock! The little things make such a difference. 


                                            After :) so purdy! 

Your Grandma and Grandpa Dean stopped by with a couple of yummy dinners for us! So sweet of them, especially since our stove isn't getting delivered until tomorrow. 

                                            Enchiladas! Mmmm! 

It was GREAT to have a couple of home cooked meals to eat since we have been eating out for every meal. And although I do love Taco Bell (only since I've been pregnant..sorry Del Taco) it is getting old. I forgot to take a pic of the croissant chicken bake that your Grandma made us before we basically ate it all! Thanks again Mama Dean, you made all three of our tummy's very happy! :) 

Did I mention that I have the BEST husband, and you have the BEST Daddy in the world?..He brought "just because" flowers home for us! 


These beauty's were accompanied by the most beautiful card that melted my heart! I really am the luckiest girl alive! :) With all the chaos going on your Daddy can always calm my soul. I am excited to raise you to be as great of a man as he is! 

I love you SO much!!!! 


Thursday, January 15, 2015

Shop Till You Drop

Morning my Cupcake love, 

I am happy to report that your Daddy and I are making some good progress on the home front. While your Daddy was tackling his to do list, I was busy tackling mine. I had SO much fun hanging all your clothes in your closet! It was the one thing that I was looking forward to unpacking! :) 

I must say that you have quite the clothes collection already! :) Like mother like son I guess! I have a problem with buying you stuff every time I walk by something "baby". Shopping is definitely my addiction and I can't get enough of it! Sorry B! Hello my name is Ami and I am a shop-oholic!  ;) 

I cannot wait until the baseboards get finished in your room so I can start decorating!!!!!!

                            Your closet is already half full! 

I had SO much fun looking through all your goodies last night! I can imagine you in all your little outfits! I was getting so giddy! I can't believe you will be here in a little over 3 1/2 months! Don't worry, your closet will be completely full by then! :) 

Gotta go now, I have shopping to do ;) 

I love you!! 



Wednesday, January 14, 2015

No More Moving For Us!

Happy hump day Cupcake! 

It feels SO good to finally be completely moved into our new house even though there are, what feels like, a million boxes stacked around the house! With me on super light duty and your Daddy working full time, it feels like it is going to take us forever until everything will be put away. This, along with the ongoing renovations, your Daddy and my to do list seems to keep growing. Regardless, it is worth all the effort! 

Thankfully we have a great family who pitched in and helped us make the big move! A special thank you to all of you that helped!..we couldn't have done it without you! 

                        Some how with these two, moving was fun! :) 

I don't think the guys were having as much fun! 

While they were doing this...

We were doing this! :) 

While the guys tackled the heavy lifting the girls tackled the unpacking. They were a big help organizing my your Daddy and my closet! And I thought I was particular about organizing, they took color coordinating to a whole new level! :) Thanks Gaga and Savanni! Now if I could only have them help me unpack all the boxes. ;) I know they would if I asked, but I won't, your welcome ;) 

The guys worked so hard to get everything moved in, including a 5 by 8 foot piece of granite (which got installed on Sunday..looks SO good!), a 10 foot piece, and an 8 foot piece! Thanks to our friendly neighbor it only took 4 guys to get them in ;) I am planning on making him some cookies to say thanks as soon as our stove gets delivered! It was supposed to get delivered on Saturday with the rest of our new appliances, but for some reason it was back ordered and no one told us! Ugh! I guess my his cookies will have to wait! ;) 

                    Banxi enjoying his only counter time..pre-granite..

No, we are not the weird people who let their animals walk on the kitchen counters (sorry weird out for the fur-balls in your soup)! :) 

                                 Post granite..Mommy is in love!

You must like it too because you just kicked me! :) I LOVE feeling you! I can't wait until I can actually feel you in my arms instead of my belly! But for now I'll take what I can get! :) 



Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Goodbye Apartment, Hellooo House (With a Hospital Stop Along the Way)

Good Morning my darling Cupcake, 

In the midst of moving on Friday, you gave your Daddy and I quite a scare! I was getting a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions and I wasn't feeling you move around  as much as usual. Of course your Daddy and I were scared out of our minds so we called our Doctor. She said that I needed to drink something cold and lay down for an hour and if the symptoms continued she advised us to go to the hospital to be checked out. 

So I did as I was told, drank cold water, and plopped myself on the couch. Your Daddy came home from work and anxiously waited with me. We only waited a half an hour before we headed to the hospital. The entire way there your Daddy and I were both crying. 

I was checked into the Triage department where a couple of tests were run on you and I. Your Daddy and I couldn't have been happier to hear the Doctor tell us that you were just fine! She said that your heart beat was very strong and that your were moving around quite a bit! Praise Jesus!! It was the BEST feeling to feel you moving around in my belly while I was laying on that hospital bed! And your heartbeat was music to our ears! :) 

The Doctor said that you were probably just resting, and that the time of day that you are active will vary. She said that I really needed to relax and keep an eye on my contractions however. She said that I shouldn't be packing or moving anything anymore, unless it was super light. She said that as soon as I feel any contractions I need to stop what I am doing and just relax. Believe me when I say that your Daddy has made sure that I am following Doctor's orders. He will barely let me lift a roll of toilet paper! 

                                                 At the hospital nervously waiting

After we got the GREAT news that were perfectly fine your Daddy headed back to work (with a big smile on his face) while I relaxed at our house while our cable was being installed. After it was all hooked up (3 hours later :/ ) I met your Daddy back at our apartment to help watch him pack/move some more stuff. Once he loaded our bed we realized that we would never sleep at our apartment again.  And, it would be Banx's last day ever being there as well! 

It was a little sad for me because a lot of really great things happened for us while living there...we got engaged, married, and found our that we having you! 

                                           Saying goodbye..

However, we are VERY excited to be starting the next chapter of our lives together in our new home! :) We are very blessed to be able to provide you with a great home to grow up in! I thank God everyday for all of the blessings that he has bestowed on our family! I thank Him extra times for you! ;) 

I love you beyond comprehension my healthy little Cupcake! :) 



Monday, January 12, 2015

Moving Day #1

Hi my sweet baby boy, 

It's official: we are completely moved into our new house! Yay! I am so excited, and exhausted! Last Thursday we moved our first set of boxes in and it felt so good!!

MANY more to come..

Of course we had to put one of your boxes in your room too...

Your first stuffed animal!  :)
(the one Mommy and Daddy found out that you are a boy with) :) 

After we Daddy moved our first set of boxes in, we decided to buy ourselves a  lil' house warming know Mommy loves presents :) 

                                                A new TV!!
Now if we could only clear our family room enough to hang it we'd be golden :) I can't wait to see you watching all your favorite shows on it in the years to come! 

                             Moving kisses from Mommy and Daddy! 

Hooray for moving day #1 down..3 more to go..

I love you Cupcake! 


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Moving Day!

Hi my Cupcake, 

Happy moving day!..Well day one moving day anyway. It will probably take us about 4 days to get everything out of our apartment and into our new home! 

Our house is not completely done (we only have 1/2 a kitchen, 1/2 of our baseboards installed, and need to finish painting the stair rails) but we figure all of these things can be finished after we move in. Our apartment is rented so we don't have much of a choice, plus I am SO excited to move in finally! Our granite will be installed on Sunday so that is one step closer to the finished product. :) 

We wanted the house to be clean before we started moving our stuff in so your Daddy and I focused on cleaning last night. There have been so many contractors coming and going, and so much work being done that there were literally piles of dust on every surface. Not any more hooray! 

                               A dust message from Mommy  

We love our carpet that was installed yesterday! It is so soft and comfy and I can't wait to see you crawling all over it! We made sure to put the best pad on the market in to protect our sweet little Cupcake. It is hypoallergenic and CRI green label certified to advance our indoor air quality. :) 

                              Banxi can smell the freshness :)

      Mommy pointing to the new carpet..not the missing baseboard ha ha

                        Kisses from all three of us to you!

We love you and are counting down the days until you are here! 121 to go!! 


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

22 Development

Happy 22 weeks and 4 days in my belly Cupcake! 

You are cookin' away, and the time is just flying by! You are now the size of a small doll!..cutest doll that ever I might add (Ken's got nothin' on you!) :) You also weigh more than a pound now!..So where have all the other lbs I've gained gone?! ;) 

Your little doll face now has eyebrows and eyelashes. The hair on your head does not have any color yet, right now it is bright white like a lil' baby grandpa. :) I am curious what color it will end up being?

This week you are developing your sense of touch and are able to grip now! I can't wait until it is my finger! You can now perceive light and dark, and your sight is becoming quite developed. You can definitely hear Mommy's voice now (yay!) and all the funny noises going on in my body. I hope you enjoy when I serenade you in the shower! :Don't ask your Daddy what he thinks about it :)

I can just imagine your cute little self in my belly gripping the umbilical cord. :) 

Mommy's got to get back to packing now. Boo! 

I love you beyond words my little white haired Cupcake! :) 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Busy Bee's

Happy 2015 my darling Cupcake! 

Sorry I haven't written you in a while, Mommy has been super busy! Renovating our house has literally taken up all of my time. Even though I am not physically doing any reno's (hallelujah for contractor's andyour Daddy) my time has been consumed picking out flooring, cabinets, counter tops,appliances etc.  I never imagined how much went into renovating a house! And although our house was move in ready when we bought it, your Daddy and I really wanted to make it our own so it can be perfect for you! :) 

On top of everything else we are busy packing our current apartment which is taxing in itself! Packing is really the pits! I don't know if my wanting to throw everything away is a pregnancy side effect or what? Your Daddy said I have to stay away from his stuff because he thinks he will end up with nothing. :) 

In all the chaos though you always manage to bring a smile to my face! You are really moving up a storm recently! It is so cool to feel you moving around in my belly! And I am happy to report that your Daddy finally got to feel you last week for the first time! He was so happy, it actually made me cry! 

I think you are going to be a jokester like your Daddy because you were messing with him for quite some time!..Every time you were moving you would stop as soon your Daddy put his hand on my tummy. He thinks he has the magic touch to put you to sleep, I say lets put it to the test once you are here. ;) 

Yesterday I went to the Doctor for my/your checkup. I always love hearing your sweet little heart beat! It is like music to my ears! The Doctor said that all your results from your ultrasound, where they looked at your heart, kidneys, brain, lungs etc) came back perfectly normal and healthy! Praise Jesus! She also said that your growth is right on track! She did tell me to relax as much as possible since I am getting quite a bit of Braxton Hicks contractions (which is perfectly normal). It is just my body preparing itself for giving birth to you. :) Guess your Daddy will have to do everything from now on ;) 

I say this like I have been doing that much. In all honesty your Daddy is quite protective of us and will not let me lift a finger. He doesn't even want me packing a box. :) He is the other half of my smile! He has been doing so much around the house to get it ready for us; he's my stud muffin (and you are my stud Cupcake). :) 

                  Your Daddy hard at work..and your doggy supervising

  Sneak peak of our garage after demo...I don't dare show you the rest LOL 

Our new carpet is getting installed in the house tomorrow and I am so excited! We will finally start moving in on Thursday! YAY!! We should be completely in by Sunday! Can I get an Amen!..

We have a busy week ahead of us! 

I love you SO SO SO SO much!!! 
