Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

Hi Cupcake, 

Happy Halloween! And...happy last day in your 1st trimester! You are growing so fast and I can't wait until the day you are in my arms! 

Seeing all these cute little kids running around in their Halloween costumes makes me SO excited to dress you up next year! :) 

Flashback Friday...

Halloween 2013
Mommy was an Angel (just like in real life my head) and Daddy was a Disco Hippy Dude

Banxi was a Pumpkin

What will we be dressed up as this year?..You will have to wait and see. :) 

Lots of pumpkin pug kisses to you Cupcake! I will try not to stuff you with too many snickers tonight (no guarantees ) ;)  

I love you, 


Thursday, October 30, 2014

12 Weeks Down..28 To Go!


                              You are now the size of plum! :)

Cravings: Sandwiches (and I can't even eat them)!
Things I Miss The Most: Sandwiches (ha), Hot Baths, Sleeping on My Tummy 
Symptoms: No More Nausea!! Cramping, and Zits (Boo)!
Moody: Not Really Sometimes :)
Ring on or Off: On
Jeans Still Fit: Yes, although I have to unbutton when sitting!   


Monday, October 27, 2014

We All Scream for Ice Cream

Hi my sweet Cupcake,

Mommy is still recovering from all the cake and ice cream I ate at your 2nd cousin Tatum's 1st birthday party on Saturday (well that and the pumpkin pie your daddy and I devoured last night)!

Your GG (Great Grandma) and Great Grandpa were at the party too, and since we don't get to see them often (they live in Arizona) it was an extra special treat!

Auntie Kari, the bday girl and Mommy

Auntie Kari, Gaga, Tatum, Mommy

 Daddy and Tatum

Daddy, GG, Mommy, Gaga photo bombing us :)

Gaga jumping in the bounce house..yep, she is a big kid! 

Toe touch

Thinking of you every second of every day!  

I love you, 


Thursday, October 23, 2014

Cupcake The Bucking Bronco

Hi my Cupcake love, 

Today was the BEST day because your Daddy and I got to see you again!   

We started the day by going to our 12 week checkup (even though you are only 11 weeks and 5 days old..close enough) with our regular Doctor. We were excited to hear that everything seemed to be progressing smoothly and we were SO excited when we got to hear your heart beat for the first time! Our Doctor said that it was beating in the 150's and sounded very healthy! :) 

          Waiting for the Dr...wishing she would hurry..your Daddy was starting to           play with her gadgets..thanks for offering to check my ears Husband ;)

 Mommy got her flu shot (yuck) before we headed out.  

We stopped for some Del Taco breakfast burritos (Mommy's favorite) before heading to our second appointment with the Prenatal Specialist.Gaga met us at the hospital so she could see you too. My Cupcake, how you have grown! You are SO big compared to the first time that we saw you! The first time we met you you were a tiny little peanut (cutest one ever I might add) and we couldn't clearly make out any of your features. This time we could see you SO clearly! You are the most beautiful thing that we have ever seen!!

You are definitely my child because you were putting on a show and being quite the lil' ham! You were wiggling all around, bucking your body (seriously was so cute), touching your head, opening your mouth, and what looked like, trying to suck your thumb (or fingers, like your Mommy did). Your Daddy and I were of course crying! We are so proud to be your parents! 

                              Look at your adorable profile!! You are so dang cute! 

               Close up of your precious face. Your hand is going for your mouth :)

After we had our fun watching you play, the Doctor gave us the results of the screening that she performed during the sonogram (and the results of the blood work screening). We were SO SO SO elated to hear that you have less than a ONE percent chance of having Down syndrome and Edwards syndrome! Daddy and I immediately started crying tears of joy! Thank you Lord for answering our prayers and protecting our Cupcake!    

                                                  Daddy, Mommy and Cupcake

                                                    Gaga loves you so much! 

Your Daddy and I went to Wood Ranch for lunch before we went back to work and we couldn't stop talking about you and looking at your pictures the whole time! We both agreed that seeing you playing in my belly today was the best thing we have ever experienced! 

Thank you for making us so happy! We love you beyond words! 


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

11 Week Development

Hi my sweet lil' Cupcake, 

Welcome to 11 weeks! All your hard work last week grew you a whole half an inch! Your are now a little more than two inches long, or the size of a lime according to What to Expect. Definitely an improvement from a prune! :) 

I wonder if you have decided to be a girl or a boy? Although Mommy and Daddy won't be able to find out for 10 or so more weeks, you are either developing your ovaries or testes this week! 

Your hands and feet are now in front of your body, and your little ears are almost in their final shape. You now have an open nasal passage on your little nose, and a tongue in your mouth (so cute and tiny)! This week hair follicles are also forming on your head and body (I wonder if you will be bald like Mommy was). 

You now have individual fingers and toes (adios froggy ones)! You can also stretch, do somersaults, and forward rolls! How awesome is that?! Hope your having fun flipping away! :)  

Mommy is feeling pretty good this week; no more nausea (thank you Jesus)! I have been feeling a little light headed/fog headed lately though. I still need to potty all the time, and I have been pretty tired. All is worth it for you my love! 

I am SO looking forward to seeing you in a couple of days!! Praying for your comfort and healthy growth this week! 

I love you limey :) 


11 weeks pregnant almost over the first trimester e1357201976507 11 Weeks Pregnant  Almost Over The First Trimester Hurdle  

Friday, October 17, 2014

Getting To Know Mommy

Hi Cupcake,

It's Mommy, or as the world knows me, Ami (you don't have permission to call me that though). ;) I thought it would be fun to tell you a little about me today.

I was raised by such amazing parents. I had a very privileged childhood and now that I am an adult I see how fortunate I truly was. I hope to be able to give you as much, if not more, than I had growing up. Your Daddy thinks this will be hard to do. ;)

 Mommy and Gaga
                                *Excuse the blurry pictures..I will change when I get a new usb cord

Grandpa, Daddy, Mommy

Grandpa and Mommy 

I have two brothers (Tyler and Tanner), and two sisters (Kortney and Karington).  They are each so special to me and I am so lucky to be so close to all of them!

                                                          Mommy and Uncle Ty

                                                  Daddy, Uncle Tanner, and Mommy

                                                          Auntie Kari and Mommy

                                   Uncle Tanner, Uncle Tyler, AuntieKari, Adopt-an-Aunt Savannah,
                                           Daddy, Mommy, Great Gma Charlie, Gaga, and Papa

Your Mommy is definitely a girly girl! I love pink, sparkles, high heels, and playing dress up. I starting dancing at a studio starting at 3 years old, and was also in gymnastics and cheer leading growing up. I can't wait to put you in all these sports (if your a girl... your Daddy says no way if your a boy)  :). I got my love of all things girly from your Gaga (thank you), and hope to pass it onto you (if you are a girl of course).

                                                                   The girly girls!

I went to Cal State University of Fullerton (go Titans!) and received a Bachelor of Arts in Economics in 2007. I also obtained my Real Estate License, and CCRM after college. I am employed as a Property Manager and love my job! I thank my parents for instilling (and paying for) the importance of education in me, because without it I would not be able to do what I do. Don't worry, your Daddy and I will drill it into your head as well! :)

All in all I live a blessed life! I am grateful to be able to bring you into such an amazing family!

I love you my sweet Cupcake!



Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Getting To Know Your Daddy

Hello my sweet baby,

I thought I would tell you a little about your Daddy today. You know him as Daddy, but his real name is Brian. He is such a wonderful man and I could not imagine my life without him. I know he is going to be the BEST Daddy to you and I know you will love him as much as I do!

                                                            Your handsome Daddy

He is so excited to meet you and like Mommy, is counting down the days until you are here. When I told him I was pregnant he immediately started crying because he was so happy! He was so excited that he told me to hop in the car so we could go buy you presents (score)! Now, this is not like your Daddy! He does not like to shop, he leaves that up to your Mommy! :) He walked around the store with a sparkle in his eyes. He still has that sparkle to this day!

He was raised by wonderful parents in Hesperia, CA. He has a kind heart like his mom and an playful personality like his dad. His sister, Danielle has two beautiful daughters (Olivia and Quinn) and a very sweet husband named Ryan. Your Cousin Olivia is two years old and your Cousin Quinn is only a couple of months old! I am so excited that you will have Cousins so close to your age to play and grow up with!

                                         Happy Birthday month to you too Queen Olivia!

Your adorable Cousin Quinn
                                                     Clearly she wasn't as happy as we were ;)

Your Daddy's brother Isaac is married to your sweet Aunt Sarah. They live in Arizona and I wish we could spend more time with them! We will just have to make extra trips to AZ once you arrive. :) Your Grandma Elaine and Grandpa Perry are like second parents to me and I love them very much! I am forever thankful to them for raising the man of my dreams!

  Uncle Ryan, Aunt Danielle, Grandma, Daddy, Mommy, Grandpa, Aunt Sarah, Uncle Isaac 

                                                                           The Deans

Grandma and Mommy

Grandpa and Daddy (Great photo bomb Aunt Danielle)

Your Daddy grew up playing sports. He played everything from soccer, baseball, tennis, football, to badminton! If it is a sport, your Daddy will want to play (or watch) it! He definitely has a passion for all things sports and he is exited to put you in them when you are old enough.

Your Daddy is my best friend! He makes me laugh everyday and has such a fun outlook on life. He is playful and kind hearted, charismatic, adventurous, driven, romantic, goofy, and SO loving. He makes me feel special everyday and is always putting my comfort above his own. I love that he loves the Lord and that he is excited to teach you about Him.

Your Daddy is not only all of these wonderful things, he is also a hero! He served as a U.S. Marine for four years and sacrificed his life to fight for the freedom of our country.  His selflessness is one of the MANY qualities that I love about him! I am so blessed to call him Husband!

I cannot wait for you to meet him! He has half my heart, and you have the other!

I love you,


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

10 Week Development

Hi Cupcake, 

You are a busy bee this week! You are 10 weeks and 3 days old today and hard at work developing your sweet little body. 

You are about an inch and a half now, and according to What To Expect, you are the size of a prune (couldn't they have picked something cuter..?). Well my cute little dried plum :) you are really starting to take on a human shape now! 

Your bones and cartilage are forming this week, and your knees and ankles are developing. Your little arms now have elbows that you can bend (no punching mommy when I eat Mexican please) and your teeth are starting to form under your gums! 

Your tummy is now producing digestive juices and your kidneys are producing more urine (if this adds to all the urine your mommy is producing we are doomed). Your intestines, brain, and liver are starting to function and tiny nails are starting to form on your fingers and toes (how cute). Peach fuzz hair is beginning to grow on your precious skin too.    

And...if you are a boy, you are producing testosterone! I wonder if it will make me feel macho? ;) My uterus is the size of a grapefruit now (TMI?) which explains my visible pooch (and here I was thinking it was the burger overload ;)).  

Fetal Development Week 10
                                       10 Weeks

I can't wait to see you next week! I love you Cupcake (prune flavored and all) :) 


Monday, October 13, 2014

Let Them Eat Cake

Hi my sweet Cupcake,

We had such a fun time celebrating my bday with Gaga, Papa, Auntie Kari, Uncle Tanner, Uncle Ty, Auntie Kortney, Uncle Trent, and your Cousin Hudson on Saturday.

We started the festivities by going to a yummy breakfast. After breakfast was present time!!!..

                                                                 Always so spoiled!

                                             "Seven" maternity jeans!! SO exciting!

Mommy got the CUTEST stuff! I will definitely be bumping it up in style!! Thank you Gaga for picking out all the fabulous clothes!..and thank you Papa for paying for them ;)

After I opened all my presents we headed out to do my favorite :) The guys were great sports and walked around Bass Pro Shop while us gals shopped for more maternity clothes. Your Auntie Kortney is pregnant too (your cousin will be here 3 weeks before you) so we both snagged some great pieces. I came home with an adorable dress that I can't wait to wear (thanks Papa and Gaga).

The rest of the day was spent laughing and hanging around Papa and Gaga's house. We had a yummy Italian dinner and then ate my all time favorite cake; confetti with pink frosting! Gaga has made it for me every year for as long as I can remember! No birthday would be complete without it!

                                   Clever candles thanks to Gaga and your Daddy
                                                 8 x 4 - 2

Happy bday month to me! 

Triple decker

The master baker herself with Daddy

We finished the night off with no other way than a bubble blowing contest :)

 Gaga had me beat! 

Don't worry..Daddy kicked her booty! 

Even though I lost the contest (I don't like losing) I was proud that your Daddy represented for us!..What a stud ;) 

Confetti and pink frosting kisses to you! 

I love you, 



Friday, October 10, 2014

Screening and Screaming

Yay for Friday, and YAY for you officially turning 10 weeks old tomorrow! 

Today I got my blood drawn for my 1st trimester screening.This screening offers early information about chromosomal conditions that you may or may not be at risk for. The blood screening is just the first step in the testing. The second step is done by an ultrasound, which I will get done in a couple of weeks. 

Everyone who knows me knows I DESPISE getting my blood drawn! But for you my cupcake I will do anything! :)

Needless to say I was still shaking in my boots!...

                                               In the parking lot being a chicken

                                                          Still pouting..waiting to get poked
                                                                     Here goes nothin'...


Since I wasn't rewarded with a sucker (what's up with that?!) I decided to do a lil' shopping to make myself feel better! I came home with a super cute maternity shirt and new bathing suit. :) 

Your daddy and I are going to have a low key night tonight. On the agenda: jammies, takeout, and renting movies! Sounds like the perfect night to me! :) 

Happy last day of 9 weeks! 

